The world is full of new horrors and
there’s no place to hide. Who says so Disaster psychologists, for a start. They
are the people who take in the big picture of our collective reactions to
human-created disaster, the ways these reactions are caused, and our coping
mechanisms. And research into disaster psychology is growing fast. Among the big issues being addressed by these researchers are understanding the terrorists’ weapons, assessing the full impact of terrorism--and, crucially, working out which psychological approaches actually work. It’s a deeply controversial area. Take the work of Dennis Embry as an example. He argues that we have overlooked the obvious: the purpose of terrorism is to create terror. This works best "if the very symbols of everyday life become conditioned fear and anxiety stimulant". The top t A. a highly controversial area B. a well-established science C. not associated with terrorism D. not a part of scientific study [单项选择]双下肢深静脉显像禁忌证为
A. 无明确禁忌证 B. 先天性静脉发育异常 C. 大静脉闭塞症 D. 肺动脉血栓栓塞症,寻找血栓来源 E. 上肢或下肢水肿 [单选题]当漏电保护器作分级保护时,应满足上下级动作的选择性。一般上一级漏电保护器的额定漏电动作电流应不小于下一级漏电保护器的额定漏电动作电流,或是所保护线路设备正常漏电电流的()倍。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [多选题]着制式服装时应当按照规定扣好衣扣, 不得( );
A.挽袖(着夏作训服时除外) B.披衣 C.敞怀 D.卷裤腿 [单选题]房地产开发企业将开发产品用于赞助、对外投资、分配给股东的,应按规定征收土地增值税。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]高处作业人员在转移作业位置时可失去安全保护,但转移完毕后必须恢复
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某个单峰分数分布的众数是15,均值是10,这个分布应该是( )
A. 正态分布 B. 正偏态分布 C. 负偏态分 D. 无法确定 [判断题]应对雨雪冰冻灾害救援,重型除雪车、大型破冰除雪车等特种车辆驾驶员,应经过专业培训并持证上岗。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]津贴
A.现场负责人 B.安全员 C.指战员 D.工程技术人员 [单项选择]风湿性心脏病心力衰竭患者服地高辛0.125mg、依那普利15天后,出现黄视,偶发室性期前收缩,心力衰竭表现加重,应首选()。
A. 停用依那普利 B. 停用地高辛 C. 地高辛加量 D. 补钾 E. 应用利多卡因 [单选题]平面无线调车灯显制式的信号绿灯闪数次后熄灭,表示( )信号。
A.推进 B.起动 C.减速 D.牵引 [单项选择]赵某被公安局无故关押了6个月,被释放后,赵某遂要求损害赔偿。如果赵某单独提起行政赔偿诉讼的,其时效期限为:
A. 向赔偿义务机关递交赔偿申请后2个月届满之日起3个月内提出 B. 应于行政机关作出职务侵权行为之日起届满3个月内提出 C. 应于行政机关作出职务侵权行为之日起届满2个月内提出 D. 应于赔偿义务机关作出不予赔偿决定后自通知送达之日起3个月内提出 [单项选择]IPv6 is short for "Internet Protocol Version 6". IPv6 is the "next generation" protocol designed by the IETF to (71) the current version Internet Protocol, IP version 4("IPv4").
Most of today’s internet uses IPv4, which is now more than twenty years old. IPv4 has been (72) resilient in spite of its age, but it is beginning to have problems. Most importantly, there is a growing (73) of IPv4 addresses, which are needed by all new machines added to the Internet. IPv6 fixes a number of problems in IPv4, such as the (74) number of available IPv4 addresses. It also adds many improvements to IPv4 in areas such as routing and network autoconfiguration. IPv6 is expected to gradually replace IPv4, with the two coexisting for a number of years during a transition (75) . A. restrict B. confine C. limited D. imprison [判断题]单机挂车时,须挂列尾装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]配置ONU 业务涉及的方法包括 ( )
A.OLT 命令行 B.网管系统 C.WEB页面 D.console口配置 [单项选择]职业健康安全事故分为()。
A. 职业伤害事故与职业病 B. 机械伤害事故与环境伤害事故 C. 轻伤事故和死亡事故 D. 物体打击和机械伤害事故 [单项选择]BSP方法的产品/服务过程的定义分成4步,为寻找公共过程必须进行分组考虑。下列哪步包含此类工作
A. 识别企业的产品/服务 B. 按产品/服务生命周期的各个阶段识别过程 C. 画出产品/服务总流程图 D. 写出每一过程的说明 [单项选择]
Turkey’s Bodrum peninsula is different. The tourist boom in this part of
the world{{U}} (1) {{/U}}turned some small villages into resorts yet
left neighbouring beaches undisturbed, making it quite{{U}} (2)
{{/U}}southern France or the Spanish Coasts where few stretches of coastline
are undevelopeD.
The{{U}} (3) {{/U}}for this happy set of circumstances is simple. For thousands of years, travel here{{U}} (4) {{/U}}easier by boat than by lanD.So when mass tourism arrived in the{{U}} (5) {{/U}}1980s, there was no coast road for ribbon development to follow. So the peninsula, just{{U}} (6) {{/U}}hour from Bodrum airport, has not become one long littoral of resort. The building{{U}} (7) {{/U}}new hotels has mainly been confined to places easily reached by then relatively{{U}} (8) {{/U}}roads. Such ease of access has made Gumbet, near Bodrum, a busy resort, while the little fishing village of Gumusluk, 12 miles further west and only [判断题]在电压低于额定值的一定比例后能自动断电的称为欠压保护。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《危险化学品安全管理条例》规定:运输危险化学品的槽罐以及其他容器必须封口严密,能够承受正常运输条件下产生的____,保证危险化学品在运输中不因温度、湿度或者压力的变化而发生任何渗(洒)漏。
A.温度升高 B.内部压力 C.外部压力 D.湿度过高 [单项选择]
社会主义思想道德建设以()为原则。 A. 集体主义 B. 爱国主义 C. 遵纪守法 D. 诚实守信 [单项选择]腰椎管狭窄症的典型临床表现是()
A. 平地行走时出现间歇性跛行 B. 腰痛 C. 骑自行车时无症状 D. 上楼梯抬腿吃力 E. 腿痛 [单项选择]此例要诊断尖锐湿疣,并要进行HPV分型,用的方法是()
A. 特殊染色 B. 原位杂交 C. 电镜 D. 免疫组化 E. 常规光镜 [填空题]接触网作业车辆发动机____或有异响,油压、冷却温度异常,监测显示器显示影响行车信息时,禁止上线运行。
[单选题]灭火的基本原理可以归纳为( )种。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [单项选择]耐格里阿米巴在不良环境中可形成带有几根鞭毛的滋养体()
A. 1根 B. 2根 C. 3根 D. 4根 E. 无数根 [单选题] ()矿井的采煤工作面进风流中可不设甲烷传感器。
A.高瓦斯 B.低瓦斯 C.瓦斯突出 [单选题]电解槽阴极定产生的是( )。
A.NaOH和Cl2 B.Cl2和H2 C.NaOH和H2 [单选题]人体直接触及或过分靠近电气设备及线路的带电导体而发生的触电现象称为()
A.间接接触触电 B.直接接触触电 C.非接触触电 我来回答: 提交