Many people in the world live in big
cities, which are often dirty and difficult places to live in. So, some cities
will get bigger. They will also get higher, and lower, because people will begin
to live under the ground as well as in tall buildings. Scientists also say that
men can begin to live in cities under the sea, when there is not enough space on
the land. Of course, these new cities will be very expensive, and difficult to
build, but they are not impossible. Already, some countries are building places
to live under the ground so their people can go there if there is a new war.
There are underground cities in Switzerland and China, built by the government
to help some of the people live after a great war. But will the people change if they live under the ground for a long time For example, some fish go blind if they live in the dark A. some new cities have been built under tile ground B. it’ll be difficult to build the new cities under the ground C. people will spend much money building new cities under the ground D. both B and C [单选题]长件因不均匀加热和冷却于焊后两端挠起的变形称为( )。
A.弯曲变形 B.角变形 C.扭曲变形 D.收缩变形 [判断题]NGQP22《内部审核管理程序》规定,根据需要,可审核质量管理体系覆盖的全部要求和过程,也可专门针对某几项要求或过程进行重点审核,但三年内的内审必须覆盖全部要求和所有过程。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列哪个条件达到弓头处碳滑板检查及更换标准?( )
A.厚度及宽带方向大崩边超过40% B.崩边长度方向超过50mm C.细裂纹且贯通至铝托 D.碳滑板的剩余高度小于 5mm [单项选择]关于血尿的说法,不正确的是
A. 暂时镜下血尿无意义 B. 体力劳动后尿中可出现镜下血尿 C. 提示肾源性血尿 D. 泌尿系肿瘤尿中出现镜下血尿 E. 盆腔炎症可见血尿 [多选题]主站:施工作业登记请点的()等受理场所称为主站。如果同一施工项目多站进行,其作业区域含设备集中站时,主站原则上设在设备集中站。
A.车站 B.主所 C.场段 D.OCC E.COCC [判断题]裸露的齿轮传动系统可以正常操作设备
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]党对国家政治生活的领导,最本质的内容就是( )。
A.组织和支持人民当家作主 B.搞好社会整合 C.加强对整个社会的控制 [判断题]>燃油管路发生堵塞后,应对管路小心振动使之疏通。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]“冬不拉”是哪个民族的乐器?
A. 应加强和规范贷后管理,明确贷后管理责任,根据其贷款金额、风险程度适时进行监控 B. 严格按规定将抵押物相关登记、证明材料等入库保管,有关人员要定期检查核对 C. 抵押物权利证书从登记部门签发至注销止,必须由专人保管,任何时候其权利原件不得交抵押人或借款人持有 D. 抵押期间,信贷人员应经常检查抵押物的状况,要求抵押人保持抵押物的正常状况 E. 业务管理和监督部门应按规定对抵押物状况进行检查核实 F. 对按揭贷款,在楼盘竣工后,必须督促开发商在规定的期限内协助承贷机构和借款人及时办理正式抵押登记手续 [简答题]我前天收到一封用法语写的信。
A.色泽美观 B.操作简易、经济 C.不易折断,基托薄、小,感觉舒适 D.制作设备简单 E.便于义齿修补和加添 [多选题]对公客户身份证明文件主要包括:_________。
A.企业法人:企业法人营业执照 B.非法人企业:企业营业执照 C.工会组织:工会法人资格证书 D.个体工商户:个体工商户营业执照 [单选题]差分技术的种类包括位置差分、伪距差分
、相位平滑伪距差分和( )。
A.A、伪码差分 B.B、距离差分 C.C、相位差分 D.D、平滑差分 [单项选择]周围血中淋巴细胞减少常见于( )。
A. 病毒感染 B. 淋巴瘤 C. 结核病 D. 服用肾上腺皮质激素 E. 淋巴细胞性白血病 [填空题]How to Argue with Your Boss
Before you argue with your boss, check with the boss’ secretary to determine his mood. If he ate nails for breakfast, it is not a good idea to ask him for something. Even without the boss’ secretary, there are keys to timing: don’t approach the boss when he’s on deadline; don’t go in right before lunch, when he is apt to be distracted and rushed; don’t go in just before or after he has taken a vacation. If you’re mad, that will only make your boss mad. Calm down first. And don’t let a particular concern open the floodgates for all your accumulated frustration. The boss will feel that you think negatively about the company and it is hopeless trying to change your mind. Then, maybe he will dismiss you. Terrible disputes can result when neither the employer nor the employee knows what is the problem the other wants to discuss. Sometimes the fight will go away when the issues are made clear. The employee has to get his point across clearly [多项选择]室内燃气管道的构成有()
A. 引入管 B. 立管 C. 表前管 D. 表尾管 E. 软管 F. 燃气表 [多选题]工作人员不准在SF6设备防爆膜附近停留。若在巡视中发现异常情况,应( ).
A.立即报告 B.查明原因 C.立即停电处理 D.采取有效措施进行处理 [填空题]城镇垃圾处理费随水代征的,主管税务机关与代征单位签订(),按协议规定进行委托代征。
A. 融合点的选择 B. 融合时机 C. 融合算法 D. 融合的内容 [多选题]《铁路技术管理规程》(普速铁路部分)第154条规定,机车乘务组、动车组司机及随车机械师、客运乘务组进行中途换乘作业的车站,应配备( )。
A.值班室 B.休息室 C.必要的配套设施 D.必要的服务设施 [判断题] 刑事案件由犯罪结果地的公安机关管辖。如果由犯罪嫌疑人居住地的公安机关管辖更为适宜的,可以由犯罪嫌疑人居住地的公安机关管辖。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]证券公司、证券投资咨询机构应当建立( ),安排专门人员,做好证券研究报告发布前的质量控制和合规审查。
A.证券研究报告发布抽查机制 B.证券研究报告发布审阅机制 C.证券研究报告发布定期送审机制 D.证券研究报告发布不定期检查机制 我来回答: 提交