Looking back on my childhood, I am
convinced that naturalists are born and not made. Although we were brought up in
the same way, my brothers and sisters soon abandoned their pressed (紧抱的) flowers
and insects. Unlike them, I had no ear for music and languages, I was not an
early reader and I could not do mental arithmetic. Before World War I we spent our summer holidays in Hungary. I have only the dim memory of the house we lived in, of my room and my toys. (76) {{U}}Nor do I recall clearly the large family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who gathered next door.{{/U}} But I do have a crystal-clear memory of dogs, the farm animals, the local birds and above all, the insects. I am a naturalist, not a scientist. I have a strong love of the natural world, and my enthusiasm has led me into varied investigat A. just reads about other people’s observations and discoveries B. comes up with solutions in most natural ways C. has a great deal of trouble doing mental arithmetic D. lacks some of the qualities required of scientist [单项选择]债券发行人的信用度越低,投资者所要求的收益率( );债券发行人的信用度越高,投资者所要求的收益率( )。
A. 越高;越低 B. 越高;越高 C. 越低;越低 D. 越低;越高 [多项选择]关于该加工贸易合同的备案,下列表述正确的是( )。
A. 祥玉公司到本企业所在地海关备案 B. 欣鑫公司到本企业所在地海关备案 C. 欣鑫公司到祥玉公司所在地海关备案 D. 祥玉公司到欣鑫公司所在地海关备案 [单选题] 带电断开架空线路与空载电缆线路的连接引线之前,应检查电缆所连接的( ),确认电缆空载。
A.架空线路状态; B.开关设备状态; C.互感器状态; D.设备状态。 [单项选择]
氰化物中毒呼吸中会带有( )。
A. 蒜臭味 B. 鼠尿味 C. 粪臭味 D. 苦杏仁味 E. 烂苹果味 [单项选择]单位银行结算帐户在正式开立之日起()个工作日内,不得办理付款业务。
A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 10 [判断题]各车间(所)、班组要根据作业量配齐防护信号,维护其作用良好、颜色鲜明,并指定专人负责保管及插撤。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]小儿细菌性肺炎的最主要致病菌是( )
A.金黄色葡萄球菌 B.大肠杆菌 C.肺炎链球菌 D.流感杆菌 E.肺炎杆菌 [判断题]《个人贷款尽职免责实施细则》规定:管理个人贷款的支行、部门负责人、高管人员辖内个人贷款不良率大幅上升,风险集中爆发,未及时采取有效措施加以处置、控制、降低风险,对相关责任人给予部分免责。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]基础分析家坚信价格围绕价值波动,因此,总是在低市盈率股票中挖掘出被低估的股票,这种做法()
A. 对 B. 错 C. 不完全对 D. 没有正确答案 [单选题]雷电防护装置检测单位质量记录宜长期保存,应不少于( )。
A.二年 B.三年 C.四年 D.五年 [多选题]营业终了,营业人员应将下列( )等入库保管。
A.现金; B.有价证券; C.重要凭证; D.业务印章 [多选题]在配电线路和设备上工作保证安全的技术措施有()。
A.停电 B.验电 C.接地 D.悬挂标示牌和装设遮栏(围栏)。 [多项选择]《供电营业规则》中规定,用户受电设施的建设与改造应当符合城乡()。
A. 电网建设 B. 配套政策 C. 改造规划 D. 实际情况 [单项选择]在预算和决算中,收支相等是最理想的状态。这时,资金得到最充分的利用,如果收入大于支出,节余过多,意味着()
A. 能够更好地实现国家的职能 B. 资金储备充足,能够更好地保证国家重点建设项目的支出 C. 有利于经济建设和社会的和谐发展 D. 财政资金没有得到有效的利用 [多选题]开展水域训练时的操作规程()。(易)
A.应当选择适宜水域 B.确定救生员 C.采取相应安全保护措施 D.在充分了解和掌握水域各方面情况下进行 [判断题]各种形状公差带的位置都是固定的。
[填空题] Days before a summit with U. S. President George W. Bush in Washington, Chinese President Hu Jintao called on Sunday for talks between Beijing and Taiwan as soon as possible to (36)______peace in the region. Beijing and Taiwan should " (37)______talks on an equal footing as soon as possible", Hu told Lien Chan, former chairman of Taiwan’’s main (38) ______Nationalist Party, who led a (39) ______of 170 business leaders to (40)______a two -day economic and trade forum on April, 16th, 2006. Throughout his speech, Hu (41)______the importance of peace between the mainland and the island. Fence-mending talks between Beijing and Taipei have been (42) ______since 1999 when ’’then-president’’ Lee Teng-hui (43)______bilateral relations as "special state to state".
(44)____________ because the island’’s leaders have refused to embrace the 1992 consensus (45)____________" Adhering to the 1992 consensus is the important basis for realizing peaceful development between the two sides," Hu s
[单项选择]The example of the soybean the author takes is to prove that ______.
A. Americans are fond of soybeans B. Every mouthful of soybean has been changed by genetic engineering C. America is on the verge of a second green revolution D. Soybean is treated as an additive to scores of foods [单选题] 车体设计能够承受纵向压缩力为1000kN,纵向拉伸力为800kN。(1.0分)
A.Yes B.No [单项选择]某病人行食管癌切除,食管胃吻合术第6天,突然出现胸痛,高热,白细胞23×10/L,中性0.92,下列哪种并发症可能性最大()
A. 肺炎 B. 吻合口瘘 C. 切口感染 D. 乳糜胸 E. 腹腔感染 [简答题]请叙述抱死 1、 2(151、 152)故障处置流程
[单选题]清理过滤网投运后 , 过滤器前后压差应小于 ( ) , 流量能达到正常范围。
A.A.O.OlMPa B.B.0.02MPa C.C.0.05MPa D.D.0.08MPa [单项选择]腺垂体分泌的激素不包括()。
A. 卵泡刺激素 B. 黄体生成素 C. 催乳素 D. 促甲状腺激素 E. 促性腺激素释放激素 [填空题]()被认为是后来提出的“长镜头”和“场面调度”理论的创始人。
[判断题] 工作票的接收:由接收并审核该工作票的值班负责人填写姓名及接收时间。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]20世纪,人类进入了太空,从太空观察地球,并且从人造卫星上拍摄了地球的照片,确认地球是一个()
A. 正方体 B. 半圆 C. 不规则形状 D. 球体 [简答题]The school stresses the idea that________________(值得的) for parents to participate in school activities together with their children.
A. 乙型、丙型肝炎病毒感染 B. 遗传 C. 黄曲霉毒素感染 D. 食物中致癌物质 E. 寄生虫感染 [单项选择]砌墙砖试验方法(GB/T2542-2003)标准中尺寸测量的量具应为()。
A. 游标卡尺 B. 直尺 C. 卷尺 D. 砖用卡尺 [单项选择]为治风寒湿痹、筋骨软弱或四肢拘挛之要药的是( )
A. 豨莶草 B. 海风藤 C. 五加皮 D. 络石藤 E. 独活 我来回答: 提交