Common Stock and preferred Stock
A public corporation issues certificates of ownership, called common stock, which may be traded on stock exchanges.Anyone can buy and sell shares of common stock.Owners of stock are referred to as shareholders and stockholders. common stockholders are accorded certain rights by the corporate charter.In the United States, these rights vary from state to state, but in general the articles of incorporation spell out voting rights and rights to receive profits. Common stockholders are the voting owners of a corporation.They are usually entitled to one vote per share.They may vote on numerous issues affecting the corporation A. the former is safer in getting dividends. B. common stockholders get more stable profits. C. the latter gets more fixed returns. D. preferred stockholders have more rights in voting. [多选题]前方遇儿童在路边奔跑时(如图所示),教练员应提示学员 。"
A. 减速慢行,随时准备停车 B. 鸣喇叭,正常行驶 C. 鸣喇叭,加速通过 D. 观察路况,缓速绕行 " [判断题]采用湿热养护的混凝土构件,应优先选用硅酸盐水泥。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪项是最常见的细菌性痢疾病理改变的部位
A. 盲肠 B. 回肠末端 C. 直肠和乙状结肠 D. 升结肠 E. 降结肠 [判断题]我们党执政后的最大危险是奢靡腐败。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]新华网有()个地方频道。
A. 30 B. 32 C. 34 D. 36 [简答题]练习法
[单选题] BK28036XZ011 白假丝酵母常引起 ( )
A. 皮下组织感染 B. 毒血症 C. 皮肤粘膜、内脏感染 D. 真菌中毒症 [名词解释]溶液起泡
[判断题]当巡视人员在巡视中发现井盖和雨水箅子缺失或损坏后,应立即设置警示标志,并在8h内修补恢复。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]有价单证包括()。
A. 各类债券 B. 定额存单 C. 定额汇票 D. 定额本票 [多选题]设备日常维护保养的主要内容有( )。
A.日保养 B.周保养 C.旬保养 D.月保养 E.小修 F.点检 我来回答: 提交