2009年3月初,某水泥厂计划投资建设新的水泥生产线。为向新生产线提供原料,水泥厂在未办理采矿登记手续的前提下,在本厂矿山开采区域内采用深孔爆破方式开采出大量水泥用石灰岩,供本厂生产使用。2011年3月,当地国土资源局根据《矿产资源法》及其《实施细则》的规定,对其作出处罚,责令其立刻停止无证开采行为,没收违法所得并处罚款。 问:
国土资源局对水泥厂的处罚是否合法?为什么?Passage Two
Running a School Book Stall 开办学校书店 I assume that the desirability of a school book stall needs no urging. Many schools sell food and toys. If we do not sell books it is surely strange Many schools serve areas where book shops do not exist and the only books brought before children for buying are the dubious selections of supermarkets. Moreover even in communities where a good book shop is available the guidance which can be given at the book stall is valuable, as we soon found. Essentially the school book stall is an extension of the encouragement and guidance in private reading which is part of the work of the English teacher. The first essential then, in setting up shop is a teacher particularly interested in children reading and in building up as wide as pos A. because children always choose the wrong books B. children find it difficult to choose books in a supermarket C. because children only like strange books D. children find it difficult to choose the fight books [判断题]在带电设备附近测量绝缘电阻,移动引线时,应注意监护,防止作业人员触电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]容器运行速度超过10 m/s 的立井提升装置的过卷和过放距离不得小于( )m。
A.5 B.8 C.10 [名词解释]流变学
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]制药行业争论道,只有当巨额的开发费用能在今后的销售中予以补偿,新药品才会被开发出来,目前专利权提供的20年的保护时间在新药品的情况下必须延长。但是,在其他行业中,尽管开发费用很高,新产品的开发仍在继续进行,这一事实表明延长专利权保护年限是没有必要的。 下面哪项,如果正确,最强有力地驳斥了以上的质疑而支持了医药行业的论点
A. 只有制药行业要求延长专利权保护的20年的限定。 B. 新药品的临床试验——发生在专利权被授予后,新药品可以上市前——现在通常花10年的时间来完成。 C. 有些行业的研究和开发费用对收入的比率比制药行业的这一比率高。 D. 既存的药品专利权不能在法律上阻止别的制药公司把替代性药品推向市场,只要这些替代性药品与专利药品有充分的不同之处。 E. 最近的许多工业革新发生在专利权保护通常不十分有效的产品上——例如,在计算机和电子行业中的革新。 [单项选择]对预算线的斜率说法错误的是( )。
A. 斜率是两种商品价格比率的负值 B. 斜率是两种商品价格的负比率 C. 斜率是两种商品价格比率的正值 D. 斜率的大小表明在不改变总支出数量的前提下,两种商品可以相互替代的比率 [单项选择]下列哪种方法是“眶内异物定位”,最常用的()
A. 头颅侧位定位法 B. 术中定位法 C. CT定位法 D. 几何定位法 E. 超声定位法 [单选题] 自动驾驶L1 和L2 级阶段,实现车辆对道路的高识别性、高可靠性、实时的信息交换需要解决的两个共性技术问题,即单传感器简单环境识别技术( )问题和车辆底层控制实现的可靠性问题。
A. 显著性 B. 时效性 C. 传递性 D. 准确性 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Millions of kids and teenagers from every part of the world wet the bed every single night,it's so common that there are probably other kids in your class who do it.Most kids don't______(51)their friends,so it's easy to feel kind of alone,like you might be the only one on the whole planet who wets the bed.But you are not______(52). The fancy______ (53)for bedwetting is nocturnal enuresis(夜间遗尿).Enuresis runs in families.This means that if you urinate(排尿),or pee, while you are______(54) ,there's a good______(55) that a close relative also did it when he or she was a kid.Just like you may have______(56)your mom's blue eyes or your uncle's long legs,you probably inherited bedwetting,too. The most important thing to remember is that no one______(57)the bed on purpose.It doesn't mean that you ' re______ ( 58 ) or a slob(懒汉).It ' s something you can ' t help______( 59 ).For some reason, kids who wet the bed are not able to feel that their bladder(膀胱)is full and don't______(60)up to pee in the toilet.Sometimes a kid who wets the bed will have a realistic______(61)that he is in the bathroom peeing-only to wake up later and discover he's all wet.Many kids who wet the bed are very______(62) sleepers.Trying to wake up someone who wets the bed is often like trying to wake a log-they just stay asleep. Some kids who wet the bed do it every single night.Others wet some nights and are______(63)on others.A lot of kids say that they seem to be drier when they sleep at a friend's or a relative's house.That's because kids who are anxious______(64)wetting the bed may not sleep much or only very lightly.So the brain may be thinking,"Hey,you!Don't wet someone else's bed!"This can help you ______(65)dry even if you're not aware of it. 62._________ A.deep B.slow C.light D.clever [判断题]DT狭义讲是一种网络技术,广义上讲是云服务下的数据价值创造。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]重质油品储罐人工清洗步骤一般为( )。
A.倒空罐底油→加堵盲板→拆人孔→气体分析→通风置换→进入罐内清理残物和污物 B.倒空罐底油→拆人孔→加堵盲板→通风置换→进入罐内清理残物和污物→气体分析 C.倒空罐底油→加堵盲板→拆人孔→通风置换→气体分析→进入罐内清理残物和污物 D.加堵盲板→拆人孔→倒空罐底油→通风置换→气体分析→进入罐内清理残物和污物 [单项选择]______大多数年轻人______,西藏是块有着巨大吸引力的神秘土地。
A. 在……中 B. 对……来说 C. 当……的时候 D. 与……相比 [单选题]我国农村土地产权制度的核心是( )。
A.集体土地使用权 B.承包经营权 C.集体土地所有权 D.土地流转的权利 我来回答: 提交