The ownership of pets brings a variety
of benefits that the uninitiated would never believe. For every tale of shredded
cushion, flattened plants, chew slippers, there is another testimonial of
intelligence, sympathy and undying devotion. Now the growing body of research
into the medical and social advantages of pet ownership has confirmed what pet
owners have always intuitively known: that pets are not just loving companions
but actually do us good. Researchers have established the value of pets in
soothing and reassuring humans, particularly when ill, lonely or in distress.
Perhaps the unquestioning love and approval pets give us is something we don’t
always get from our human nearest and dearest. Our makeshift understanding psychology leads many of us to view very close relationships with pets with suspicion. Childless co [多选题]下列有关我国《宪法》的表述,正确的是( )。
A.第一章是总则 B.没有附则 C.规定了公民的基本权利和基本义务 D.最近一次修正是在2004年 [判断题]缓和压力脉动,稳定卸载阀卸载动作的是卸载阀
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1.15 申报一等车辆管理所,考评分值必须达到( )分以上。
A.80 B.85 C.90 D.95 [多选题] 异地建筑施工及安装单位开立临时存款账户需提供()
A..营业执照或其隶属单位的营业执照 B..施工及安装地建设主管部门核发的许可证或建筑施工及安装合同 C..法定代表人(负责人)身份证件;授权他人办理的,应出具被授权人有效身份证件、单位法定代表人(负责人)的授权书及其有效身份证件 [多选题] 填写《行车日志》、调度命令及各种行车凭证,要做到()。
A.正确齐全 B.字迹清晰 C.认真监督 D.做好互控 [单选题]单选题:九号线电客车每节动车共含有( )个轴端接地装置。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]单选题】高压开关柜内手车开关拉出后,隔离带电部位的挡板封闭后( ),并设置“止步,高压危险!”的标示牌。
A.禁止开启 B.必须专人看守 C.立即接地 D.应填写在运行记录内 [多项选择]某县城一家食品加工企业,为增值税小规模纳税人,2010年8月购进货物取得普通发票的注明价款合计50000元,销售货物开具普通发票销售额合计70000元,出租设备取得收入10000元。本月应纳城建税和教育费附加分别为( )。
A. 城建税126.94元 B. 城建税223.11元 C. 教育费附加76.16元 D. 教育费附加133.87元 [单选题]关于DJI APP的云台微调,应该在哪里设置( )
A.相机设置 B.飞行器设置 C.遥控器设置 D.云台设置 [单选题]下列哪项属开放性损伤( )
A.裂伤 B.挫伤 C.扭伤 D.爆震伤 E.挤压伤 [简答题]
鲁艺有限责任公司是一家成立时间较长的大型建筑工程公司,有在海外承揽大型工程的丰富经验。目前,该公司打算开拓南美市场,但经过分析后,拟进入的国家政局不稳,并且国内经济恶化,通货膨胀率十分严重,而且政变后新上台的军政府不承认前任政府的所有签署的相关协议,另外,外汇管制十分严格。 [单项选择]
Black death that drove Newton from his college and into a momentous discovery, (1) England in 1665. Astronomical records of the time show that (2) was a year of intense sun-spot activity, and studies of annual tree (3) , which are wider when the sun is disturbed (4) that the terrible plague of 1348 was (5) accompanied by an active sun. [单项选择]在掉期外汇交易中,不同的是( )。
A. 买卖的时间 B. 买卖货币的种类 C. 买卖货币的数额 D. 买卖货币的交割日 [单选题].BF004三甘醇活性炭过滤器压差达到( )时,需更换滤芯。
A.0.05~0.07MPa B.0.07~0.1MPa C.0.12~0.15MPa D.0.15~0.18MPa 我来回答: 提交