{{B}}Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following
passage.{{/B}} Genetically Modified (转基因的) crops are everywhere. It seems even in Europe, strict laws designed to keep the European Union free of GM crops and products are not working, instead are posing problems for the EU: Farmers’ representatives say that supplies of animal feed for poultry and pigs are being refused entry at European ports when found to contain even trace amounts of GM material. Under Europe’s "zero-tolerance" laws on GM, introduced in 2007, the presence of even a few seeds of GM material will rule out an entire shipment. The animal feed industry says that the laws are unworkable because GM material is almost unavoidable, given today’s global supply chain. "Though we understand the consumer concern in Europe, we don’t understand zero tolerance because it closes down trade," says A. it’s reasonable for people to worry about GM effect B. it’s understandable to set an absolute limit on GM products C. they will be broken if EU helps them to limit GM effect D. 0.5 percent is too high a standard [多项选择]基于专用异型卡的汽车信息化行业应用通常指3G车载信息服务项目,该项目旨在向车主提供依托于联通先进的WCDMA3G移动网络的()等为一体的车联网终端产品和解决方案
A. 道路导航 B. 实时交通 C. 信息查询 D. 远程控制 E. 道路救援 [填空题]成熟的质体根据其颜色和功能的不同,分为()、()和()。
A. ebXML B. XML Parser C. WS-Coordination D. SOAP4J E. BPEL [单选题]《国家电网公司培训班管理办法》规定,超过( )天的培训班可颁发培训合格证书,培训证书由各级单位人力资源部门统一管理。
A.7$ B.$10$ C.$14$ D.15 [单项选择]李敖写《北京法源寺》,最后说:“艾略特______小说到了福楼拜和詹姆士之后已无可为,但那还是七十年前说的。艾略特若看到七十年后现代影视的挑战,将更惊讶于小说在视觉映像上的落伍和在传播媒体上的败绩。……那些妄想靠小说笔触来说故事的也好、纠缠形式的也罢,______。”
依次填入短文空白处最恰当的一项为( )。 A. 已咬定其实都难以挽回小说的败局 B. 已咬定都将直接加速小说的全面溃败 C. 曾经怀疑其实都难以挽回小说的颓局 D. 曾经怀疑都将直接加速小说的全面溃败 [填空题]稻草质量指标要求:稻草固有的光泽,一般呈( )、( )等、断草少( )、具有稻草固有的气味,无异杂味,干燥,触摸无明显湿润感,( )、( )长( )。
A. 少泽 B. 少商 C. 至阴 D. 隐白 E. 涌泉 [判断题]中国民用航空局(以下简称民航局)对航空电信人员岗位培训工作实行统一管理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]瘦水池塘或新建池塘的底质较差,可以用()改良
A. 将肥料分堆于浅水处 B. 全池遍洒肥料 C. 冬季排水后肥料遍洒池底 D. 以上方法都可采用 我来回答: 提交