Lewis Hine was born in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, in 1874.
As a young boy, he worked long hours in a local factory, experiencing at first
hand conditions he would later document so vividly with his camera. In 1903, he acquired a camera and a flashgun, and within a few years became one of the foremost investigative reporters of his days. He first examined the lives of some of the hundreds of thousands of immigrant families who were then crowding the customs sheds at Ellis Island. What happened to them once they set foot on the Promised Land His photographs showed the appalling conditions that awaited most immigrants: overcrowded, filthy slums; violent, dangerous streets; and poor-paying, enslaving jobs at which men and women roiled to support their young families. Next he turned the illuminating light of his camera on the horrifi A. dirty B. poor C. remote D. overcrowded [多选题]依据《胜利油田安全培训与安全能力提升管理细则》,管理原则与要求包括( )。
A.依法合规原则 B.提升安全能力原则 C.分级管理原则 D.强化日常培训原则 [单项选择]说话能力构成要素包括表情达意能力、应变能力和( )
A. 组织语言能力 B. 记忆能力 C. 理解能力 D. 观察能力 [单项选择]There will be a steady trend toward vegetarianism. A given quantity of ground can provide plant food for man or it can provide plant food for animals which are later killed for meat.
In converting the tissues of food into the tissues of the feeder, up to 90 per cent is used for reasons other than tissue maintenance and growth. This means that one hundred pounds of plant food will support ten pounds of human tissue―while one hundred pounds of plant food will support ten pounds of animal tissue, which will then support one pound of human tissue. In other words, land devoted to plant food will support ten times as many human beings as land devoted to animal food.
It is this (far more than food preferences or religious directions ) that forces overcrowded populations into vegetarianism. And it will be the direction in which the United States of 2001 will be moving―not by presidential order, but through the force of a steady rise in meat prices as compared with other kinds of food.
A. vegetarianism is the natural result of people’’s food selection. B. present farmland produces more vegetables than animal food. C. vegetarianism is to be caused by the laws of market economy. D. people’’s food preferences conflict with supply and demand. [单项选择]
改革开放以来,临汾市取得了社会主义建设的巨大成就,经济总量跨入全省先进行列。其中个体经济迅速发展,截止2009年底,临汾市拥有个体经营户约19.8万户,个体经济对临汾市的经济发展做出了重要贡献。个体经济() A. ①② B. ①③ C. ①④ D. ②④ [单选题]钢轨探伤仪前37°探头,遇到第Ⅰ、Ⅳ象限间的螺孔中心水平裂纹时( )。
A.先显示裂纹波再显示螺孔波 B.先显示螺孔波再显示裂纹波 C.螺孔波和裂纹波同时显示 D.不显示螺孔波只显示裂纹波 [单项选择]
{$mediaurl} [判断题]弹条V型扣件预埋套管中应保证有一定的防护油脂,油脂性能应符合相关规定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]小李过年时收到5 000元压岁钱.他打算9月份开学用来缴学费,为了防止这笔钱在此期间被闲置,请为他推荐一种最为稳定的投资( )。
A.储蓄存款 B.购买股票 C.购买公司债券 D.购买保险 我来回答: 提交