某投保人将自己拥有房地产投保不定值保险,保险金额为1000万元,保险期内由于保险事故发生造成损失比例为30%,市场价值为3500万元。 |
Think of all the criminals who have
killed, all the soldiers who have killed; consider the mass murder of Jews in
Nazi Germany. Is there something inside human beings that allows us to take part
in this sort of violence, or were these people swept along by the
situation Stanley Milgram, a New York psychologist, designed an experiment to find answers to this question, paying adult males four and a half dollars to act the role of "teacher" in a complicated experiment. The "teachers" were to ask questions of a "learner", a middle-aged man in another room. If the learner gave an incorrect answer, the teacher was instructed to turn a knob to send an electric current to the learner’s chair. There were thirty positions on the control knob, with the shocks ranging from 15 to 450 volts, the last position marked "Danger: Severe Shock". The teachers were told to A. violent or sadistic actions may not really be "abnormal" human behavior B. adult males are more violent than adult females C. psychiatrists are fairly accurate in their predictions about human behavior D. only the abnormal individuals in the study delivered shocks all the way up to 450 volts [简答题]说明褶皱臂尾轮虫的摄食特性。
A. 给予正常量的优质蛋白质 B. 给予充足的热能 C. 限制碳水化合物摄入量 D. 限制钠摄入量 E. 限制饮水量 [判断题]判断题
对于监控发现融e借资金有流入房地产市场、证券市场、期货市场和用于股本权益性投资等违规领域的情况,我行需采取剔除白名单、锁定、降额、提前催收等措施。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or does not live up to the manufacturer’s (36) for it, the first, step is to present the guarantee at the store of purchase. In most eases, this action will (37) results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction. A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. In general, the "higher up" the consumer takes his or her (38) , the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer’s favor, (39) be or she has a just claim.
Consumers should complain in (40) whenever possible, but if they cannot get to the place of purchase, it is (41) to phone or write the complaint in a letter. Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but (42) , and especially when the consumer can demonstrate what is w [单选题]党的_______以来,伴随着党和国家机构改革的全面推进,我国消防救援事业遇上了前所未有的发展机遇,历史53年的现役史的消防体制退出历史舞台。
A.十九大 B.十八大 C.三中全会 D.两会 [填空题]在口笛号角鸣示方式中,减速鸣笛信号为()声。
A.新技术 B.新工艺 C.新设备 D.新材料 [单项选择]电子商务实际上是一种()活动。
A. 网络 B. 买卖 C. 生产 D. 运输 [单选题]常用剂量、恒量、恒速给药,最后形成的血药浓度为( )。
A.有效血浓度 B.稳态血浆浓度 C.峰浓度 D.阈浓度 [单选题] 采用分段退焊法,可( )。 【单选题】
A.减小焊接残余应力 B.减小焊接残余变形 C.增大焊接残余变形 [判断题]使用钳形电流表测量时为使读数准确,钳口的结合面如有杂声,应将钳重新开合一次。若杂声依然存在,应垫一层簿纸再行测量。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在区间线路上进行不影响行车安全的作业,不需要以停车信号或移动减速信号防护时,应在作业地点两端( )m处列车运行方向左侧(双线在线路外侧)的路肩上设置作业标.
A.A、300~500 B.B、500~1000 C.C、1000~1500 D.D、1500~2000 [单项选择]神经纤维受刺激而兴奋时,在静息电位基础上可发生一次扩布性电位变化为( )
A. 膜电位 B. 阈电位 C. 动作电位 D. 后电位 E. 静息电位 [不定项选择题]某单位拟建砖混结构住宅工程2800m2,每平方米建筑面积主要消耗资源和费用为:人工6.2工日,钢材25kg,水泥190kg,原木0.05m3,铝合金门窗0.3m2,其他材料费为主材的40%,施工机具使用费占人材机(人材机指人工费、材料费、施工机具使用费)之和的9%。
该工程每平方米建筑面积人材机费用之和为( )元。
A.1268.74 B.1398.09 C.1453.63 D.2221.98 [判断题]( )按钮开关也可作为一种低压开关,通过手动操作完成主电路的接通和分断。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]病人长时间表现膀胱刺激症状和脓尿,应首先考虑为()
A. 急性肾小球肾炎 B. 肾结石 C. 输尿管结石 D. 泌尿系结核 E. 急性膀胱炎 [单选题]关于民警将闹事者扭送至派出所,下列说法正确的是
A.民警将胡某、王某扭送至派出所为行政拘留的处罚 B.民警将胡某、王某扭送至派出所为限制人身 自由的强制措施 C.民警将胡某、王某扭送至派出所为行政处罚 中的调查程序 D.民警将胡某、王某扭送至派出所违法 我来回答: 提交