Society was fascinated by science and
things scientific in the nineteenth century. Great breakthroughs in engineering,
the use of steam power, and electricity were there for all to see, enjoy, and
suffer. Science was fashionable and it is not surprising that, during this great
period of industrial development, scientific methods should be applied to the
activities of man, particularly to those involved in the processes of
production. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, international competition
began to make itself felt. The three industrial giants of the day, Germany,
America, and Great Britain, began to find that there was a limit to the
purchasing power of the previously apparently inexhaustible markets. Science and
competition therefore provided the means and the need to improve industrial
efficiency. Frederick A. scientific and human B. efficient but slave-driving C. academic but practicable D. brutal but highly successful [单选题]减容必须是( )变压器的停止或更换小容量变压器用电。
A.一台 B.一组 C.整台或整组 D.两组 [单选题]客货共线铁路,站内调车线与调车线线间最小距离规定为( )mm。
A.3600 B.4600 C.5000 D.5500 [判断题]判断正误True or False: 当飞机防滞功能受限或没有防滞功能时,将会严重影响飞机的刹车性能,但在这种情况下,飞机的着陆距离并不会受影响。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者男,30岁,农民,因“高热伴全身肌肉酸痛、头痛、腰痛4d”来诊。查体:颜面潮红;球结膜充血,咽充血,软腭及腋下皮肤可见出血点;心、肺无异常发现;肝、脾未及,肾区叩痛明显。入院后下列医嘱错误的是()
A. 虫媒隔离 B. 一级护理 C. 半流食 D. 测体温、脉搏、血压,1次/6h E. 阿司匹林0.5g,口服,3次/d [单项选择]男性,63岁,晨起床时,发现言语不清,右侧肢体不能活动。既往无类似病史。发病后5小时,体检发现神志清楚,血压120/80mmHg,失语,右侧中枢性面瘫、舌瘫,右侧上、下肢肌力2级,右半身痛觉减退,颅脑CT未见异常。
病变的部位可能是 A. 左侧大脑前动脉 B. 右侧大脑前动脉 C. 左侧大脑中动脉 D. 右侧大脑中动脉 E. 椎基底动脉 [单项选择]一个实验最好采用两种以上的动物进行比较观察,其中之一不应是啮齿类动物。常用的选择顺序是()。
A. 小鼠、犬、大鼠、猴 B. 小鼠、大鼠、犬、猴 C. 猴、大鼠、犬、小鼠 D. 小鼠、犬、猴、大鼠 [判断题](判断新):
与漂亮而总是出错的下属沟通,最有效的方法是先欣赏对方的美,再表达对其工作改进的期望。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Questions 169-171 refer to the following lecture schedule.
Modern Architecture Around the World After World War II The Illinois Arts Council is pleased to announce the schedule of this year’s Modern Architecture Lecture Series. This year’s series of lectures will feature a variety of architects from all over the nation and will focus on how modern architecture serves residents of urban environments. The lecture will be held in the Stone Auditorium on the second Tuesday of every month from 6 p.m. to.8 p.m. A question-and-answer session will follow the lecture. Details of each lecture can be obtained at our web site www. state. il. org, and those who wish to attend the lectures are advised to contact the Stone Auditorium box office on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to make reservations and pick up tickets. · Box Office phone: 401-651-4727 · Manager’s phone: 401-651-4268 When does the question-and-answer session begin A. At 10 a.m. B. At 5 p.m. C. At 6 p.m. D. At 8 p.m. [判断题]对于特殊使用性质的多层建筑,如医院、档案馆、文史馆等火灾,要合理选用灭火剂,防止水渍损失。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]根据《会计法》第三十条的规定,任何单位和下入对违反会计法和国家统一的会计制度规定的行为,有权检举。()
[填空题]Dear Hilda,
I’ve just heard of my mother has suddenly been 76.______ ill, and I’d like to go and see what she is. The 77.______ trouble is that I can take Tom with me then. 78.______ Do you think if you would possibly able to look after 79.______ him for a week You have him for a week last year, 80.______ and you said he had been no trouble, but had got 81.______ on well with your little sister, Jane. 82.______ If I could have him, I would be able to bring 83.______ him along any time that suits for you. But if it is not 84.______ convenient, do hesitate to say so. 85.______ Yours, Sarah [填空题]步进电动机的工作范围为()个步进级。
[填空题]小字二组有几个黑键( )。
[单项选择] PART ONE ·Look at the statements below and the following introduction about the types of ownership. ·Which type of ownership (A, B or C) does each statement (1-7) refer to ·For each statement (1-7), mark one letter (A, B or C). ·You will need to use some of these letters more than once.