More About Alzheimer’s Disease{{/B}} Scientists have developed skin tests that may be used in the future to identify people with Alzheimer’s disease and may ultimately allow physicians to predict who is at risk of getting this neurological disorder. The only current means of diagnosing the disease in a living patient is a long and expensive series of tests that eliminate every other cause of dementia. "Since Alois Alzheimer described the disease nearly a century ago, people have been trying to find a way to accurately diagnose it in its early stages," said Patricia Grady, acting director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke in Bethesda, Maryland. "This discovery, if confirmed, could prove a big step forward in our efforts to deal with and understand th A. cure those with Alzheimer’s disease B. discover the cause of Alzheimer’s disease C. predict who might get Alzheimer’s disease D. find the consequences of Alzheimer’s disease [判断题]西藏布达拉宫分为红宫和白宫两大部分。其中,红宫内建有达赖喇嘛的灵塔殿和各类佛殿。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]属于专业监理工程师在项目监理中应承担的职责是( )。
A. 检查承包单位人力。材料、机械投入及运行情况 B. 审核工程计量和原始凭证 C. 审定施工组织设计 D. 调解合同争议 [单项选择]声波的声压级Lp应为( )。
A. 声波声压与基准声压之比的20倍 B. 声波声压与基准声压之比的10倍 C. 声波声压与基准声压之比的以10为底的对数的20倍 D. 声波声压与基准声压之比的以10为底的对数的10倍 [单选题]键槽宽度的测量,一般宜选用( )。
A.钢尺 B.游标卡尺 C.外卡钳 D.角规 [单项选择]保险人、被保险人为查明和确定保险事故的性质、原因和保险标的的损失程度所支付的必要的、合理的费用,由()承担。
A. 受益人 B. 投保人 C. 保险人 D. 经纪人 [单选题](题干)患者女性,59岁。诊断为“乙型肝炎”。
(题目):消毒患者的工作证,正确的方法是 A.0.5% 含氯消毒液喷洒,30分钟 B.0.05 %含氯消毒液喷洒,60分钟 C.0.02% 含氯消毒液浸泡,30分钟 D.0.02 %含氯消毒液擦拭,30分钟 E.0.2 %含氯消毒液擦拭,30分钟 [多项选择]作间断,若工作班离开工作地点,应采取措施或派人看守,不让人、畜接近()等。
A. 挖好的基坑 B. 未竖立稳固的杆塔 C. 负载的起重和牵引机械装臵 D. 工作地点 [单项选择] Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on your ANSWER SHEET.