Last week 29 earnest American high
school students were invited to an evening of receiving good words, small talk,
warm toasts and fancy silverware. "Find out something about the person sitting next to you," advised former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. "Eventually, you’ll discover they always have something interesting to say. And you should always use the proper silverware in the proper order. " Albright was the guest of honor at the imitated Official Dinner, which was a lot like a real official dinner in Washington minus the soft money. The evening was sponsored by the St. Albans School of Public Services to introduce its first class to the fine art of social survival. More than 84 guests, including students, teachers, school donors and speakers, gathered to replicate the lifestyle of the rich A. we should get more information about the host B. we should be sociable by talking with others C. table manners are not as important as conversing D. we should learn to entertain others by telling a story [判断题]SPD绝缘电阻测试用不小于500V绝缘电阻测试仪正负极性各测试一次,测量指针应稳定之后或施加电压1.5min后读取。合格判定标准为不小于50MΩ。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]主体结构与幕墙连接的各种预埋件,其规格、数量、位置和防腐处理必须符合设计要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]备防石要求紧靠坝岸顶临河边缘堆放。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]使用液压破拆工具组的液压管连接部位必须保持清洁,防止杂物进入液压管导致( )
A.液压管连接断开 B.液压油泄漏 C.液压管破裂 D.器材发生故障 [单选题]灭火器应( )年检查一次。
A.A.半年 B.B.一年 C.C.一年半 D.D.两年 [单项选择]When a pilot is on board to pilot the vessel the Letter()must be hoisted.
A. G B. H C. B D. N [单选题]有机磷中毒出现毒蕈碱样症状主要机制是
A.腺体分泌亢进、运动神经兴奋 B.腺体分泌减退、平滑肌痉挛 C.腺体分泌亢进、平滑肌痉挛 D.腺体分泌亢进、平滑肌松弛 E.运动神经兴奋、平滑肌痉挛 [单项选择]
下列属于人体第一道防线的是()。 A. ②⑤ B. ④⑤ C. ①②④⑤ D. ②③⑤⑥⑦ [单选题]临时身份证塑封一律使用印有可显示荧光的( )图案。(上册P179)
A.网状 B.太阳 C.天安门广场 D.长城烽火台 [单项选择]商品的使用价值是一个()的概念。
A. 稳定、单一 B. 动态、单一 C. 稳定、综合 D. 动态、综合 我来回答: 提交