企业员工素质测评,导致测评结果误差的原因是什么? In the following passage, Philip Roth
is talking to a friend, Joanna, about his father. "Did I ever tell you what happened when he was mugged a couple of years ago He could have got himself killed. ’ "No. Tell me." "A black kid about fourteen approached him with a gun on a side street leading to their little temple. It was the middle of the afternoon. My father had been at the temple office helping them with mailing or something and he was coming home. The black kids prey on the elderly Jews in his neighborhood even in broad daylight. They bicycle in from Newark, he tells me, take their money, laugh, and go home". "Get in the bushes," he tells my father. "I’m not getting in any bushes," my father says. "You can have whatever you want, and you don’t need that piece to get it. You can put that piece away." The kid lowers the gun and my father gives A. unable to explain or come to terms with the contradictory elements of his father’s nature. B. able to assess his father’s strengths generously while being conscious of his father’s failings. C. eager to accept Joanna’s explanation of his father, and to conceal any flaws in the family’s relationships. D. resentful and bitter about his father’s life-long antagonism to how he and his mother dealt with the world. [单选题]对影响行车的灾害监测系统设备故障应尽快查明原因,对故障情况、故障原因以及处理过程按规定进行()。 ( )
A.登记 B.分析 C.总结 D.监督 [多选题]进入有毒区域的人员必须精干,进入前应进行(),编组进入,严格()。
A.安全登记 B.控制人数 C.防护装备检查 D.实施计划 [判断题]国家在需要与可能的情况下向企业和个人集资建设公路时,企业和个人必须集资。
[判断题] 如果高压设备不带电,值班人员在保持一定的安全距离下,可以移开或越过遮栏进行工作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]26.对于脊柱受伤的伤员,采取下列运送方法中,()是正确的。
A.一人背负运送 B.二人抬运,一个抱头,一个抬腿 C.多人搬运,保持伤员身体平直,动作均衡 D.只能由专业急救医生搬运 [判断题]卫生器具安装的作业条件包括所有与卫生器具连接的管道水压、灌水试验已完毕,并已办理隐检预检手续。( )
[单选题]日常检查是指( )每天按照设备点检表所规定的检查项目,对设备进行检查。
A.组长 B.车间主任 C.操作人员 D.维修人员 [单项选择]
肋骨按其所在位置可分为() A. ①、②、③; B. ①、②; C. ②、③; D. ①、③。 [多选题]按沟通中信息流动的方向可划分为( )。
A.单向沟通 B.双向沟通 C.上行沟通 D.下行沟通 我来回答: 提交