阅读下面短文,回答下列问题。 桥是种固定建筑物,一经造成,便屹立大地,可以千载不移,把它当作地面标志,应当是再准确不过的。《史记·苏秦列传》里有段故事:“尾生(人名)与女子期于梁下,女子不来,水至不去,抱柱而死。”他们所以约定在桥下相会,就因为桥是不会动的,但是,这里所谓不动,是指大动而言,至于小动、微动,它却和万物一样,是持续不断、分秒不停的。 车在桥上过,它的重量就使桥身变形,从平直的桥身变为弯曲的桥身,就同人坐在板凳上,把板凳坐弯一样。板凳的腿,因为板的压迫,也要变形,如果这腿是有弹簧的,就可看出,这腿是被压短了。桥身的两头是桥墩,桥上不断行车,桥墩就像凳腿一样,也要被压短而变形。把板凳放到泥土上,坐上人,板凳腿就把人的重量传到泥土中,使泥土发生变形。桥墩也同样使下面的基础变形。桥身的变形表示桥上的重量传递给桥墩了,桥墩的变形表示桥身上的重量传递给基础了,基础的变形表示桥墩上的重量传递给桥下的土地了,桥上的重量终为地下的抵抗所平衡。物体所以能变形,是由于内部分子的位置有变动,也就是由于分子的运动。 车在桥上高速行驶时,使桥梁整体发生震动。此外,桥还受气候变化的侵袭。在狂风暴雨中,桥是要摆动或扭动的;就是在冷暖不均、温度有升降时,桥也要伸缩,形成蠕动。桥墩在水中,经常受水流的压迫和风浪的打击,就有摇动、转动和滑动的倾向而在地基中发生移动。此外,遇到地震,桥还会受到水平方向和由下而上的推动。所有以上种种的动而引起的桥的变形,加上桥上重量和桥本身重量所引起的变形,构成全桥各部的总变形。任何一点的变形,都是那里的分子运动的综合表现。 桥是固定建筑物,所谓固定就是不在空间有走动,不像车船行走。但是,天地间没有完全固定的东西,桥的平衡只能是瞬间现象,它仍是桥的运动的一种特殊状态。桥的运动是桥的存在形式。 |
As one works with color in a practical or experimental way, one is impressed by two apparently unrelated facts. Color as seen is a mobile, changeable thing (1) to a large extent on the relationship of the color (2) other colors (3) simultaneously. It is not (4) in its relation to the direct stimulus which (5) it. On the other hand, the properties of surfaces that give (6) to color do not seem to change greatly under a wide variety of illumination color, usually (but not always) looking much the same in artificial light as in daylight. Both of these effects seem to be (7) in large part to the mechanism of color (8) .
When the eye is (9) to a colored area, there is an immediate readjustment of the (10) of the eye to color in and around the area (11) . This readjustment does not promptly affect the color seen but usually does affect the next area to which the (12) is shifted. The longer the
A. play
B. way
C. rise
D. birth
A Job Wanted Ad
Assistant Manager
We are looking for an enthusiastic person to assist in the expansion of the hotel.
The successful applicant(申请人)will have experience of overall hotel work and at least one year's experience as an Assistant Manager.
Applicants need good knowledge of English and possibly two other languages.
Good salary, bonus(奖金) , good holidays and excellent prospects for promotion(晋升) within the group.
Apply in confidence with a full resume and a recent photograph to:
Mr. Gerry Bateman, Castle Hotel, Green Street, Barton BR77QT
An Application Letter
136 Brownless Road
Catford.PL4 2EB
August 19, 2000
Dear Mr. Bateman,
I saw your advertisement for an Assistant Manager in this week's issue of The Hotelier and I should like to apply for the position.
I am enclosing my resume and a recent photograph.
As you see I have be