Passage 4 One reaction to all the concern about tropical deforestation is a blank stare that asks the question, "Since I don’t live in the tropics, what does it have to do with me" The answer is that your way of life, wherever you live in the world, is tied to the tropics in many ways. If you live in a house, wash your hair, eat fruit and vegetables, drink soda, or drive a car, you can be certain that you are affected by the loss of tropical’ forests. Biologically, we are losing the richest regions on earth when, each minute, a piece of tropical forest the size of ten city blocks vanishes. As many as five million species of plants, animals and insects, 40 to 50 percent of all living things, live there, and are being irrevocably lost faster than they can be found and described. Their loss is incalculable. Take medicine, for example. Less than one perce A. How many plant species found outside tropical rain forests could be used in the treatment of cancer B. Which plant has a product used for the treatment of anxiety C. Worldwide, what is the total annual production of synthetic robber D. Which rain forest plant can be used for the treatment of eye disease [单选题]动物辅助治疗是一种以动物为媒介,通过人与动物的接触,改善或维持残障人士的身体状况,或帮助他们加强与外部世界的互动,进而促进康复、适应社会的过程。根据上述定义,下列情形不属于动物辅助治疗的是()
A.性情温和的迷你猪适合陪伴自闭症患者,减轻他们面对人群时产生的焦虑 B.卷尾猴能够帮助体障者完成日常生活中的简单动作,如开关门、操控遥控器等 C.鼬獾会在主人精神病发作之际,发出叫声,警示主人,让主人可以及时服药 D.英国短毛猫性格温顺且不具有攻击性,喜静且贴近主人,适合陪伴独自生活的老年人 [多项选择]下列词语的声调符合“仄仄平平”格式的有()。
A. 金光大道 B. 孔雀开屏 C. 红霞万朵 D. 草木争荣 E. 锦绣年华 [判断题]我国人均占有土地资源高于世界平均水平。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]参加非法组织、非法活动,情节较重的,予以( )处分。
A.警告、严重警告 B. 记过、记大过 C. 降级或者撤职 D.开除 [名词解释]企业形象
A. 正常细胞性贫血 B. 小细胞低色素性贫血 C. 大细胞性贫血 D. 再生障碍性贫血 E. 巨幼红细胞性贫血 [判断题]( )调节器计划维修作业验收时,轨距、水平、三角坑应全面查看,重点检测。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]PowerPoint 2010 幻灯片编辑中,将已插入的艺术字的背景,设为水滴纹理填充的效果,应该的操作在__________。
A.“绘图工具”->“格式”选项卡中 B.“审阅”选项卡中 C.“视图”选项卡中 D.“幻灯片放映”选项卡中 [单选题]AOD钢车荷载能力为( )t。
A.300 B.350 C.400 D.450 [单项选择]两髂棘最高点平对()
A. 第一腰椎棘突 B. 第二腰椎棘突 C. 第三腰椎棘突 D. 第四腰椎棘突 [单选题]法人客户短期贷款展期最长不得超过()。
A.原贷款期限 B.原贷款期限的一半 C.3年 D.5年 [单选题]仪表自控流程图中,在调节阀附近标注缩写字母“FO”表示该阀是( )。
A.风开阀 B.风关阀 C.故障开阀 D.故障关阀 [单选题]进场构型的失速速度与着陆构型的失速速度相比,其大小的关系是( )。
A.着陆构型的失速速度较小 B.进近构型的失速速度较小 C.两者的失速速度相同 D.无法确定 [判断题] 【21100】供电单位对已受理的高压双电源供电的用户用电申请,应在一个月内将确定的供电方案正式书面答复用户。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交