The aim of a letter of application(求职信) is to help you to "sell" yourself. It should state (21) the job you want, and should tell what your abilities are and what you have (22) . It should be simple, human, personal and brief without (23) out any necessary facts. In writing a letter of application, keep in (24) that the things a possible employer is most (25) to want to know about are your qualifications(条件), your achievements(成绩) and your aims. The opening paragraph is perhaps the most important part. (26) the first few sentences fail to (27) the reader’s attention, the rest of the letter may not be (28) at all. Try to key your opening remarks to the needs or interests of the employer not (29) your own need or des A. advertisement B. report C. article D. introduction [单选题] 表示歉意的词语是:对不起、请原谅、很抱歉、( )、给您添麻烦了
A.您好 B.请 C.再见 D.打扰了 [单选题]试验装置的金属外壳应可靠接地;高压引线应尽量缩短,并采用()高压试验线,必要时用绝缘物支持牢固。
A.常见的 B.普通的 C.便携式 D.专用的 [多选题]银行理财产品要素所包含的信息可以分为三大类____。( )
A.产品开发主体信息 B.产品目标客户信息 C.产品销售主体信息 D.产品特征信息 [单项选择] For centuries in Spain and Latin America, heading home for lunch and a snooze with the family was some thing like a national right, but with global capitalism standardizing work hours, this idyllic habit is fast becoming an endangered pleasure. Ironically, all this is happening just as researchers are beginning to note the health benefits of the afternoon nap.
According to a nationwide survey, less than 25 percent of Spaniards still enjoy siestas. And like Spain, much of Latin America has adopted Americanized work schedules, too, With shortened lunch breaks to one hour and requiring its employees to work their eight-hour shift between 7 a. m Before the mandate, workers would break up the shift--going home midday for a long break with the family and returning to work until about 9 or 10 p.m. The idea of siesta is changing in Greece, Italy and Portugal, too, as they rush to join their more "industrious" counterparts in the global market.
Most Americans I know covet sleep, but
A. work fewer hours than in the past B. get home from work much later than in the past C. work more reasonable hours than in the past D. finish the workday earlier than in the past [单项选择]债权人会议通过和解协议草案的决议,由通过,并且其所代表的债权额,必须占:
A. 出席会议的有表决权的债权人的过半数无财产担保债权总额的半数以上 B. 全体债权人的过半数无财产担保债权总额的半数以上 C. 出席会议的有表决权的债权人的过半数无财产担保债权总额的2/3以上 D. 全体债权人的过半数无财产担保债权总额的2/3以上 [单选题]在农户贷款中,经农村金融机构同意可以采取借款人自主支付的情形不包括( )。
A.农户生产经营贷款且金额不超过50万元的 B.借款人交易对象不具备有效使用非现金结算条件的 C.农户消费贷款且金额不超过50万元 D.用于农副产品收购等无法确定交易对象的 [单选题]核对架空线路相序是在电路绝缘电阻测试(____)进行。
A.之前 B.之后 C.同时 D.任意 [多选题]脱硫效率影响因数有( )
A. 入口硫浓度 B. 出口硫浓度 C. 循环浆液浓度 [单选题]一般来说,每个办公室工作人员有()m2的单元内建筑面积较合适。
A.5~6 B.7~10 C.15~20 D.20~25 [简答题]发酵的培养基组成怎么样才能满足菌丝生长期和抗生素合成期对营养的需求?
[单选题]普速铁路维修天窗:单线不应少于( )min。
A.90 B.120 C.180 D.240 [单选题]下列哪项不属于牢脉的特点( )
A.轻取不应,重按始得 B.超过本位 C.曜牢不移 D.往来艰涩 [多项选择]身份证件的核查采用单笔精确查询方式进行联网核查的,应向联网核查系统提交待核查人的().
A. 姓名 B. 地址 C. 公民身份证号码 D. 业务种类 [多选题]气瓶的安全使用应注意( )。
A.防止气瓶受热 B.防止气瓶搬动 C.气瓶使用到最后应留有余气, 以防止混入其他气体或杂质而造成事故 D.加强气瓶的维护 E.气瓶使用单位不得自行改变充装气体的品种、擅自更换气瓶的颜色标志 [单项选择]根据商标法律制度的规定,注册商标被撤销或者期满不再续展的,自撤销或者注销之日起一定期限内,商标局对与该商标相同或者近似商标注册申请,不予核准。该期限为 ( ) 。
A. 3个月内 B. 6个月内 C. 1年内 D. 3年内 [单项选择]支气管扩张患者痰量与下列哪个因素有关
A. 多喝水 B. 季节 C. 体位 D. 合并肺结核 [判断题]闪光焊轨车检修规则规定,机组连挂每天出车前,用担当本务机的制动机进行制动机性能试验。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在V4 SGSN中,配置Gb用户面负荷分担,如果配置了18个2G USUP模块,则需要配置()个板号。
On V4 SGSN, for the Gb user-plane load-sharing configuration, if there are 18 2G USUP modules, how many board numbers should be configured? ( )
A.10 B.12 C.16 D.18 什么是差别利率?
A.白色 B.黑色 C.灰色 D.深灰色 我来回答: 提交