Standard English is that variety of
English which is usually used ill print, and which is normally taught in schools
and to non-native speakers studying tile language. It is also the variety which
is normally spoken by educated people and used in news broadcasts and other
similar situations. The difference between standard and non-standard, it should
be noted, has nothing in principle to do with differences between formal and
colloquial language; Standard English has colloquial as well as formal
variants. Historically, the standard variety of English is derived from the London dialect of English that developed after the Norman Conquest resulted in the removal of the Court from Winchester to London. This dialect became the one preferred by the educated, and it was developed and promoted as a model, or norm, for wider and wider A. differs greatly from dialects in the United Kingdom. B. differs greatly from varieties outside U.K. C. differs little from any variety in the world. D. is the same with any variety of English. [单选题]装设、拆除接地线均应使用( )并戴绝缘手套,人体不得碰触接地线或未接地的导线。
A.绝缘绳 B.专用的绝缘绳 C.绝缘棒 D.软铜线 [单选题]被害人薛某被王某故意殴打成轻伤,薛某到当地公安机关报案,要求公安机关立案侦查。下列说法正确的是()。
A. 公安机关应当立案 B. 公安机关应当告知被害人直接向人民法院起诉 C. 公安机关应当等抓获王某之后,再立案侦查 D. 薛某没能提供充分的证据,公安机关不便立案侦查 [填空题]发现汽轮机组某一瓦回油温度高应参照其他各瓦(),并参照冷油器()及本瓦温度进行分析,采取措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]原尿和血浆相比较,在成分上不同的是
A. K+含量 B. 蛋白质含量 C. 葡萄糖含量 D. Na+含量 E. 以上都是 [单选题]成套接地线应用有透明护套的多股软铜线和专用线夹组成.且高压接地线的截面积不得小于16mm2。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [多选题]关于枪支的制造和民用枪支的配售,下列说法正确的有()。(1.0分)
A.国家对枪支的制造、配售实行特别许可制度 B.公务用枪,由国家指定的企业制造 C.配售民用枪支的企业,由省级人民政府公安机关确定 D.配售民用枪支的企业,由省级人民政府公安机关核发民用枪支配售许可证件 [填空题] 是对车票进行检验和处理,放行或阻挡乘客出人付费区的设备。
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