It was Clark’s first visit to London: Underground
Railway. Against {{U}} (36) {{/U}} advice of his friends, he decided to
go there after 5 o’clock in the afternoon. This is a bad time to {{U}} (37)
{{/U}} in London, because numerous people go home from work {{U}} (38)
{{/U}} this hour. He had to join a long {{U}} (39) {{/U}} of people
who were waiting for tickets. When his turn came, he had some difficulty in
making himself {{U}} (40) {{/U}} by the man selling tickets. However, he
got the right ticket {{U}} (41) {{/U}} the end and, by asking people the
{{U}} (42) {{/U}}, he also found the right platform. It was packed fight
{{U}} (43) {{/U}} people. He did not {{U}} (44) {{/U}} to get on
the first train, but he was {{U}} (45) {{/U}} to move nearer to the edge
of the platform so a A. an B. some C. any D. the [单项选择] Cer-tech .com has a server named Server01.Server01 runs Windows Server 2008.A web server(IIS) roleis also installed on Server01.A public website is hosted on Server01.While monitoring the traffic on thepublic site,you notice an unusual high volume of traffic on the website. You need to find the source of thetraffic. What should you do to achieve this objective?()
A. Open the IIS server manager and enable website logging to filter the logs for the source IP address B. Install a third-party traffic analysis software to view the source IP address of the traffic C. Execute net session - at command on the server D. Execute net stat/all command to view the traffic statistics E. None of the above [单选题]4.230. 第230题室内配电箱暗装于墙壁时,底部距地面( )m
A.1.2 B.1.4 C.1.5 D.1.8 [判断题]阀外风冷控制系统自动模式风机由阀冷却控制系统自动控制,此时各设备控制柜面板可手动操作。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]SF6配电装置发生大量泄漏等紧急情况时,以下做法正确的是( )。
A.立即封堵泄漏点 B.人员应迅速撤出现场 C.开启所有排风机进行排风 D.未佩戴口罩人员禁止入内 [判断题]应急保障的预防与准备环节主要开展突发事件预测分析、编制预案、培训与演练、应急队伍建设与管理、后勤应急物资采购与储备等工作
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]后牙区双端固定桥的整体运动方式是
A. 近中向运动 B. 远中向运动 C. 唇舌向运动 D. 颊舌向运动 E. 垂直向运动 [单项选择]交通调查为评价公路对现有交通车辆的()提供依据。
A. 数量 B. 适应程度 [多选题]各类作业人员应接受相应的( ),经考试合格上岗。
A.安全生产教育 B.安全警示教育 C.岗位技能培训 D.岗位职责培训 [多选题]改革生产工艺是控制化工污染的主要方法,包括( )等。
A.改革工艺 B.改变流程 C.选用新型催化剂 D.更新设备 [多选题]款箱管理下列说法错误的是()。
A.款箱由分行统一购置,标明行号及编号,并配备一把锁 B.入库款箱存放多个柜员款项时,每个柜员独立封包、上锁,款项过多时,经营业室经理批准可以混杂装箱 C.每日营业初始,柜员会同会计主管一起开箱后,柜员对款箱中的成捆现金至少应卡把,成把、零张现金逐张清点 D.款箱出入库时,实行双人会同装箱、双人锁箱、双人封箱、双人开箱、双人清点 [多项选择]
辛注册会计师在计划审计工作前需要开展初步业务活动,下列活动中属于初步业务活动的有()。 A. 针对保持客户关系和具体审计业务实施相应的质量控制程序 B. 评价遵守职业道德规范的情况 C. 详细了解被审计单位及其环境 D. 及时签订或修改审计业务约定书 [单选题]某女性患者,26岁,尿频、尿急、尿痛伴双侧腰部酸痛1周就诊。查体:体温39.2℃,双侧肾叩击痛,尿常规:蛋白(+)、脓细胞(+++)、红细胞(+),结合以上资料病人应诊断为
A.急性肾炎 B.肾结石 C.肾结核 D.急性肾盂肾炎 E.慢性肾盂肾炎 [单选题]改型电力机车轴箱软连接线断股不超日设( )。
A.1/5 B.1/4 C.1/3 D.1/2 我来回答: 提交