Sometimes urgent things are important
and sometimes they aren’t. You will never have enough time for everything, so
you need to decide what is really important. Important activities are those
which help you to achieve your goals. Mast of us have learned to respond to
urgent requests at the expense of important tasks. Ignore important tasks at
your peril—they will escalate and become urgent, at which point you have yet
another crisis to deal with Do you find yourself responding to "urgent" items or requests more quickly than "important" ones Start making important tasks seem more urgent by setting deadlines for them, and schedule the activities into your day. Make sure. you take care of the important tasks, even if they are not urgent. When you do have to react to an "urgent request", spend some time thinking through your response. Solutions A. Learn to Distinguish "Urgent" from "Important" B. Why "Important" Is So Important C. Learn to Deal with "Urgent" Things D. How to Do Your Job [多选题]某交通施工穿越噪声敏感区域,可能造成环境噪声污染,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.禁止一切夜间施工作业活动 B.因特殊需要进行夜间施工的,须开具证明文件 C.建设工程施工前必须公告附近居民 D.应采取其他有效的控制噪声污染的措施 E.在开工15日前,向工程所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门报告 [单项选择]下列影响房地产市场运行环境的因素中,属于经济环境的因素是( )。
A. 城市或区域产业结构与布局 B. 人口数量与结构 C. 土地资源状况 D. 建筑技术进步 [简答题]船舶登记
A. 15%~25% B. 20%~30% C. 25%~35% D. 30%~35% E. 35%~40% [多选题]在学业成绩考查中,试题类型主要包括供答型和选答型两大类。下列属于选答型试题的有()。
A.简答式试题 B.陈述式试题 C.是非题 D.多项选择题 [简答题]一旋转件的重力为5000N,工作转速为5000r/min,平衡精度定为G1,求平衡后允许的偏心距应是多少允许不平衡力矩又是多少?
[单项选择]近年来,我国进一步健全社会保障制度。下列属于社会福利方面的措施的是( )。
A. 提高失业保险金的标准 B. 增加企业退休人员的基本养老金 C. 中央财政增加补助地方城市最低生活保障资金 D. 在全国范围内对适龄儿童实行免费常规疫苗接种 [单选题]( )方针是煤矿安全生产管理的基本方针。
A.煤矿安全生产 B.科学管理 C.预防为主 D.生产经营 [单选题]《铁路客运列车运送公文管理办法》规定,按照挂号办理的公文应当填写《 》,一式四份。
A.铁路公文运送交接单 B.铁路公文物品运送单 C.铁路公文运送单 D.铁路公文物品装运单 [判断题]执行唱票监护时,根据情况使用“三段式沟通” ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《国家电网公司输变电工程施工现场关键点作业安全管控措施》,业主项目部加强转序管理,按()的原则。
A.谁检查谁签字、谁签字谁负责 B.谁检查谁签字、谁组织谁负责 C.谁组织谁签字、谁签字谁负责 D.谁承包谁签字、谁签字谁负责 我来回答: 提交