The coastlines on the two sides of the
Atlantic Ocean present a notable parallelism: the easternmost region of Brazil,
in Pernambuco, has a convexity that corresponds almost perfectly with the
concavity of the African Gulf of Guinea, while the contours of the African
coastline between Rio de Oro and Liberia would, by the same approximation, match
those of the Caribbean Sea. Similar correspondences are also observed in many other regions of the earth. This observation began to awaken scientific interest about sixty years ago, when Alfred Wegener, a professor at the University of Hamburg, used it as a basis for formulating a revolutionary theory in geological science. According to Wegener, there was originally only one continent or landmass, which he called Pangea. Inasmuch as continental masses are lighter than tile base on which they rest, he reasoned, t A. the basic substance of Pangea B. like an ice floe C. the submerged mountain range D. igneous rock [简答题]根据初中阶段的教学特点,谈谈田径或体操教材对促进学生身体和精神健康方面的功能与价值。
[单项选择]不属于法律制定程序的是( )。
A. 审议法律议案 B. 表决法律议案 C. 公布法律 D. 起草法律议案 [填空题]The term motion picture industry usually refers to the theatrical motion picture industry, which is called this because it produces works of{{U}} (36) {{/U}}art or of{{U}} (37) {{/U}}entertainment
Many people{{U}} (38) {{/U}}this industry with Hollywood, a suburb of Los Angeles, California, and it is true that, in the West, probably over eighty per cent of films made for{{U}} (39) {{/U}}entertainment are made in the US. However, there are many other film-making centers in the world. In the Western world, Canada, Europe and Australia all have an important film-making{{U}} (40) {{/U}}; in Asia, Japan made around 700 films a year, and India makes around{{U}} (41) {{/U}}that number. China is also now becoming a major player.
The theatrical motion picture industry tends to be highly risky, with control lying in the hands of{{U}} (42) {{/U}}Film-making involves high{{U}} (43) {{/U}}risk, and huge expense; and studios making films therefore tended for many years to
[单选题]处置公路交通事故,应当与事故车辆保持一定的安全距离,并在事故区域前.后方适当位置设置明显的警示标志;大雾天气或夜晚,警戒距离应至少扩大( )倍,严防过往车辆冲撞造成伤亡事。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]中国政府是于( )年7月22日宣布取缔“法轮功”邪教组织的。
A.1997 B.1998 C.1999 D.2000 [多项选择]处理投诉过程中的大忌()
A. 缺少专业知识 B. 怠慢客户 C. 缺乏耐心,急于打发客户 D. 允诺客户自己做不到的事情 E. 急于为自己开脱 [多项选择]气流阻力和顺应性可影响吸入气体的分布,可降低肺顺应性的有()
A. 间质性肺炎 B. 肺水肿 C. 肺纤维化 D. 肺气肿 E. 肺淤血 [单选题]用火作业前应清理现场的可燃物,用火点( )米内禁止排放各类可燃气体。
A.15 B.25 C.30 D.40 [多选题]110KVGIS开关柜中的断路器室的SF6气体起()作用。
A.绝缘 B.隔离 C.灭弧 D.散热 [单选题][TB-B-016 5 1 3
溶液发泡时不会造成 ( )。 A.脱硫效率下降 B.装置处理能力增大 C.装置处理能力下降 D.溶剂损失量增大 [填空题]无风险收益率为6%,风险收益率为4%,资金时间价值为5%,通货膨胀补偿率为1%,那么必要收益率为( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]专业工程师的岗位职责,按照方案实施( )及自主创新技术。
A.新技术 B.新工艺 C. 新材料 D.新设备 E.新方法 [单项选择]两船中的一船应给另一船让路时,另一船应()
A. 同时采取行动 B. 保速保向 C. 采取最有助于避碰的行动 D. A、B、C均可采取 [单项选择]( )是整个管理咨询活动的起始阶段,是正式开展咨询活动的前提。
A. 诊断阶段 B. 业务洽谈阶段 C. 改善方案设计 D. 实施指导 我来回答: 提交