It’s interesting how little most of US
know about our ancestors or about the history of our family. If you {{U}}(56)
{{/U}} to be nobility(贵族), the history of your family is {{U}} (57)
{{/U}} well {{U}} (58) {{/U}} . But few of us have any such
{{U}} (59) {{/U}}. I first became {{U}} (60) {{/U}} in my own family history four or five years ago when my mother {{U}} (61) {{/U}}me some photographs which I had never seen before-- {{U}} (62) {{/U}} photos of uncles and aunts, great - uncles and great - aunts and grandparents, all {{U}} (63) {{/U}} when they were young. I immediately wanted to try to {{U}} (64) {{/U}} my family {{U}} (65) {{/U}} back as {{U}} (66) {{/U}} as I could, and decided to start {{U}} (67) {{/U}} the photos. First of all I had to rely completely on my mother’s memory for names, the ages of people in the A. turn B. explore C. trace D. trade [单选题]在票面乘车站开车时间前48小时以上办理退票的,退票费按票价( )计算。
A.0.05 B.0.1 C.0.15 D.0.2 [单项选择]目前,我国经济总量居世界第()位
A. 一 B. 二 C. 三 D. 四 [判断题]可锻铸铁是一种可以锻造的铸铁。
A.8 B.10 C.12 D.12 [单项选择]凭证式国债质押贷款比例最高不超过国债面额的,储蓄国债(电子式)质押贷款额度应不超过储蓄国债面额的。()
A. 分别为:85%,90% B. 分别为:90%,95% C. 分别为:90%,100% D. 分别为:95%,100% [单选题]流行性出血热在传染病中属于 ( )
A. 呼吸道传染病 B. 消化道传染病 C. 自然疫源性传染病 D. 地方病 E. 人畜共患传染病 [单选题]肠鸣音消失的判断标准是:
A.持续听诊 1 分钟未闻及肠鸣音 B.持续听诊 2-3 分钟未闻及肠鸣音 C.持续听诊 3-5 分钟未闻及肠鸣音 D.持续听诊 5-6 分钟未闻及肠鸣音 [单选题]钼酸盐是种很好的( )剂
A.阻垢 B.杀菌 C.缓蚀 D.灭藻 [单选题]贮压式干粉灭火器的报废期限( )年.
A.6 B.8 C.10 D.12 [判断题]在施工、检修、故障处理等各项作业中,特殊情况经车间主任同意,可临时使用封连线。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]银行为某人提供期限为10年,年利率为6%,首期月还款为1000元,月还款递增率为0.2%的个人住房抵押贷款。若将此方案转为按月等额支付,则月等额还款额是()元。
A. 1005.56 B. 1010.56 C. 1110.56 D. 1115.56 我来回答: 提交
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