main( ) {
unsigned int x=0xFFFF;/* x的初值为+六进制数 */
When we think of Hollywood, a term I
use loosely to describe American movie production in general, not simply films
made in Los Angeles. we think of films aimed at amusing audiences and making
money for producers. During the early years of the new century, as workers won their demands for higher wages and a shorter working week, leisure assumed an increasingly important role in, everyday life. Amusement parks, professional baseball games, {{U}}{{B}}nickelodeons{{/B}}{{/U}}, and dance halls attracted a wide array of men and women anxious to spend their hard-earned dollars in the pursuit of fun and relaxation. Yet of all these new cultural endeavors, films were the most important and widely attended source of amusement. For mere five or ten cents, even the poorest worker could afford to take himself and his family to the local A. many of the social and political problems were reflected on the screen of the films B. films often dealt with the most important problems of the day C. films quickly became a very popular form of entertainment D. because of the large attendance, films had a great influence on a large number of people. [单选题]某局继保班员工李某2018年1月被借调至局办公室工作,2018年9月由于该地区突发暴雨天气,班组抢修工作任务繁重,将李某调回班组工作,没有经过安规考试。2018年10月某日深夜,继保班工作负责人张某带领李某至某站开展事故抢修工作,该工作需要解接部分运行中的二次电缆芯线,张某认为抢修任务紧急,而且需要解接的芯线较少,不用编制二次措施单。
A.二次措施单作为工作票必要的补充,宜与工作票同步填写。 B.二次措施单的正确性和具体执行由工作许可人负责。 C.工作中应确保电流互感器和电压互感器的二次绕组应有且仅有一点保护接地。 D.在带电的电流互感器二次回路上工作时,工作中禁止将回路的永久接地点断开。 [单选题]70°探头探测60kg/m钢轨时探头入射点距轨端 ()左右出现轨颚部底角反射波。
A.90mm B.120mm C.108mm D.110mm [单选题]•年北京冬奥会,首都体育馆将主要作为什么比赛场地? ( )
A.冰球 B.冰壶 C.花样滑冰和短道速滑 [多选题]调节往复泵流量的方法()。
A.改变原动机的转速 B.调节往复泵入口的流量 C.改变往复泵的回流量 D.改变活塞和气缸大小 [多项选择]下列()可成为合同的当事人。
A. 自然人 B. 法人 C. 非法人组织 D. 在特殊情况下的国家 [单选题]职业健康检查费用由( )承担。
A.国家 B..政府 C.用人单位 D.劳动者本人 E.以上均正确 [单项选择]荨麻疹风团色白,遇风寒加重的辨证治疗
A. 湿热证:清热祛风除湿 B. 风热症:疏风清热除湿 C. 血虚风燥证:养血润肤,祛风止痒 D. 风寒束表:疏风散寒 E. 湿热蕴毒证:清热除湿解毒 [判断题]实验表明:人们学习的11%是通过听觉,80%以上是通过视觉,人们只能记住20%左右的听到的内容,却能记住50%以上既听到又看到的内容。
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