There are advantages and disadvantages to 21 Asian and Western educational method. For example, one advantage 22 the education in Japan is that students there learn much more math and science 23 American students. They also study more hours each day than Americans 24 . The study is difficult, but it 25 students for a society that values discipline (纪律) and self-control. There is, however, a disadvantage. Memorization is an important learning method in Japanese schools, 26 many students say that after an exam, they forget much of the information that they have memorized.
The advantage to the education in North America, 27 the other hand, is that students learn to think by themselves. The system prepares them for a society that values 28 ideas. There is, however, a disadvantage. When students graduate from high school, they haven’t memorized 29 many basic rules and facts as students in other countries 3
A. to
B. for
C. than
D. in
Street food is food that is prepared,
sold and eaten on city streets. Street food is an important part of the{{U}}
(1) {{/U}}of people in developing countries. An{{U}} (2)
{{/U}}2,500 million people worldwide eat street food. This kind of food
is{{U}} (3) {{/U}}in cost, tasty, nutritious and easy to serve, it is
designed for the lives of busy people in large cities. But buyers must be careful{{U}} (4) {{/U}}health risks. Street food sellers in developing countries often{{U}} (5) {{/U}}the storage, cooking and cooling equipment necessary to{{U}} (6) {{/U}}the formation of dangerous bacteria. {{U}} (7) {{/U}}some conditions, a single bacterium can grow into seventeen-million disease-carrying organisms in just eight hours. The lack of clean{{U}} (8) {{/U}}water and waste removal systems also{{U}} (9) {{/U}}the risk of infectio A. for B. about C. on D. of [判断题]半钢是硅、锰大部分氧化,碳少量氧化,温度不高的金属。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]小儿总能量的30~35%来自( )
A. 蛋白质 B. 脂肪 C. 糖类(碳水化合物) D. 维生素 E. 矿物质 [单项选择]确诊甲状腺功能亢进的化验是
A. 三酰甘油(甘油三酯)增高 B. 三碘甲状腺原氨酸增高 C. β1微球蛋白增高 D. 磷酸肌酸激酶减少 E. 谷丙转氨酶减少 [填空题]220V工频电压作用下人体的电阻为1000Ω时,单相电击通过人体电流约为( )mA。
接入高压配电网的分布式电源,并网点应安装()的开断设备,电网侧应能接地。 A.易操作 B.可闭锁 C.具有明显断开点 D.可开断故障电流 [单选题]直接接触设备的电气测量,应有人监护。测量时,人体与()不得小于表3-1规定的安全距离。夜间测量,应有足够的照明。
A.测量部位 B.低压带电部位 C.高压带电部位 D.电气设备 E.略 F.略 [多项选择]数字证书在网上信用卡支付时用于验证()的身份。
A. 持卡人 B. 商家 C. 支付网关 D. 银行 E. 认证机构 [简答题]某商场新购了一套商品经营管理系统,此系统使用SQL Server 2008数据库管理系统。此系统上线运行前,需将商场原有的数据导入到新系统中。原有系统使用SQL Server 2000,数据结构与新系统不完全一致。为了保证数据一致性,数据导入过程中要求暂停业务且必须在2小时内完成。
在原有数据导入新系统的过程中,实施人员发现原有数据量很大,导入数据需要4小时,业务无法接受。经分析某工程师认为,数据导入过程中数据库系统I/O很高,但导入数据的程序本身对系统资源占用很低。该工程师建议将数据导入过程中的数据库恢复模式从“完整”模式改为“简单”模式以提高数据导入速度;而另一位工程师则认为此方法未必能提高数据导入速度,而且还可能导致数据丢失,不建议使用此方法。 请分析此方法是否能够提高数据导入速度并给出理由,同时请分析此操作的数据丢失风险。 [单选题]设备内动火时,氧含量应为( )%。
A.5 B.10 C.20 D.30 [填空题]摄氏温标是将()规定为零度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]桥架主要用来支承工作机构,承受( )及吊运的重物。
A.载荷的重量 B. 自身的重量 C. 自身及载荷的重量 [单项选择]( )是维护土地管理和土地市场秩序,促进土地资源科持续利用的基本途径。
A. 土地调查 B. 土地统计 C. 土地登记 D. 土地执法监察 我来回答: 提交