As people continue to grow and age, our
body systems continue to change. At a certain point in your life your body
systems will begin to weaken. Your joints may become stiff. It may become more
difficult for you to see and hear. The slow change of aging causes our bodies to
lose some of their ability to bounce back from disease and injury. In order to
live longer, we have always tried to slow or stop this process that leads us
toward the end of our lives. Many factors contribute to your health. A well-balanced diet plays an important role. The amount and type of exercise you get is another factor. Your living environment and the amount of stress you are under is yet another. But scientists studying senescence (衰老) want to know: Why do people grow old They hope that by examining the aging process on a cellular level medical science may be able to extend t A. we have to try to be on a diet B. we should keep in high spirits C. we should try to do more exercise D. we should postpone the process of aging [单选题]铁路路风监督人员有权责令被检查单位或人员( )损害路风路誉的行为。
A.处治 B.停止 C.改正 D.纠正 [名词解释]cDNA文库
A. The natural force makes it come into being. B. It originates from some chemical elements in the nature. C. It comes from the rocks with the action of wind and water. D. A series of biological changes happen in the process. [单选题](47431)绕行停留车辆时其距离应不少于( )m,并注意车辆动态和邻线上开来的列车。(1.0分)
A.2 B.3 C.5 D.6 [单选题]下列关于腺淋巴瘤不正确的是 ( )
A.又名沃辛瘤 B.多见于女性 C.多位于腮腺后下极 D.患者常有吸烟史 E.肿块可有消长史 [简答题]介入放射学包括哪些内容?
[多选题]患者车祸,大量胸腔积液,行胸腔闭式引流。1.护理人员进行病情观察时注意引流液的( )
A.颜色 B.性状 C.量 D.气味 E.成分 [单选题]商业银行最主要的资金来源是( )。
A.存款 B.贷款 C.利息收入 D.手续费收入 [单选题]旋转速度
A.旋转速度 B.开闭度 C.强度 D.高度 [单项选择]管道法兰的安装通常有两种做法:①管道端口与法兰盘平焊(平焊法兰);②管道端口插入法兰盘(立焊法兰),一般先焊内口,后焊外口,法兰内侧焊缝()法兰的密封面(距密封面3mm)。
A. 不得凸出 B. 可以凸出 C. 平齐于 D. 不得凹于 [多选题]县级以上人民政府信访工作机构应当就下列哪些事项向本级人民政府定期提交信访情况分析报告?
A.受理信访事项的数据统计、信访事项涉及领域以及被投诉较多的机关 B.信访人对信访工作机构及其工作人员的投诉 C.转送、督办情况以及各部门采纳改进建议的情况 D.提出的政策建议及被采纳的情况 [单选题]眼球震颤伴共济失调可见于( )
A.锥体束病变 B.深感觉障碍 C.脊柱肿瘤 D.小脑肿瘤 E.美尼尔病 [不定项选择]导致创业团队分裂的主要矛盾有()。
A. 有些成员的能力不适应企业的发展 B. 团队思想不统一,成员的经营理念与方式不一致 C. 团队成员的性格、个性、兴趣不合 D. 创立初期缺乏一个明确的利润分配方案 [单项选择]I {{U}}rarely{{/U}} wear a raincoat because I spend most of my time in a car.
A. normally B. continuously C. seldom D. usually [单选题]挖掘出的电缆或接头盒,若下方需要挖空时,应采取( )保护措施
A.悬吊 B.防坠 C.提升 D.隔离 [多项选择]不同的专业物流企业瞄准物流对象的不同有自己特有的形成核心竞争能力的(),这就使企业有广泛选择的余地进行供应物流的优化。
A. 机器装备 B. 组织 C. 设施 D. 人才 [单项选择]‘wrote them down’ means _______.
A. copied them B. made a note of them C. signed them D. pointed at them [判断题]生产经营单位的重大事故隐患排查治理情况,应当及时向负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门和职工大会或者职工代表大会报告
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交