Sports are enjoyed by everyone. The
most interesting sports are team sports. They are often played outside with a
ball and watched by thousands of people. Most people are interested in watching
the teams they like. They love to see them win. But even if they lose, they will
still be liked. Some interesting sports, like football and basketball, are practiced and played in all kinds of weather. When they are played in the snow or in the rain, players must be more careful because mistakes are easily made. Some games are won or lost just because the weather is bad. Tickets to important games are not easily bought. Important games are often watched by many people at home on TV, which saves them the trouble from the cold rain or snow. When imp [判断题]10千伏接入的分布式电源项目业主或(电力用户)需签署购售电合同和并网调度协议。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]建筑物坍塌事故特点有( )
A.突发性.不可预见性强 B.易引发次生灾害 C.救援难度大,时间长 D.破坏性较大 [单选题]下列管道中不可用作生活用水管的是:( )
A.镀锌管 B.无缝钢管 C.硬质聚氯乙烯管 D.不锈钢管 [单项选择]—Do you mind if I close the window It's a bit cold outside. —().
A. Let me see B. No, why not C. Yes, thatll be better D. Yes, go ahead [单选题]以下属于Windows通用视频文件的是 ( )。
A. bee.txt B. bee.avi C. bee.doc D. bee.bmp [判断题]( )在线路通过电流的情况下,不产生或只有非常少的电能损耗的金具称为节能型金具。34.(A)低压电气带电工作,应采取绝缘隔离措施防止相间短路和单相接地。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]无缝线路必须有足够的强度和稳定性。铺设无缝线路应采用( )。
A.特殊轨道结构 B.标准轨道结构 C.加强型轨道结构 D.超级轨道结构 [多选题]BY03ZG042216有以下情况之一的视为不合格工作票()
A.错用工作票 B.安全措施不完备或填写不正确 C.应“双签发”的工作票没有“双签发” D.同一个工作负责人同时段执行两张或以上的工作票 [多选题]砖木结构建筑发生火灾后,( )最容易出现垮塌。
A.墙、柱 B.屋盖 C.楼板 D.吊顶 [单选题]CCBII制动机大闸从运转位推至抑制位,列车管( )。
A.实行最大减压 B.实行初减 C.减压100kPa 我来回答: 提交