Women drivers are more likely to be involved in an accident, according to scientists.
Researchers (1) 6.5 million car crashes and found a higher than expected number of accidents between two female drivers. They also discovered that women have a (2) time negotiating crossroads, T-junctions and slip roads. The results are even more (3) given that men spend more time (4) than women. On average, men drive 60 percent of the time, and women 40 percent.
Michael Sivak, of the University of Michigan, said: "The results (5) that in certain crash situations, male-to-male crashes tend to be under- represented and (6) crashes tend to be over-represented. "
Dr. Sivak and his colleague Brandon Schoettle studied data from a nationally (7) sample of police-reported crashes in the US from 1988 to 2007. They (8) to fend that accidents involving two male drivers would make up 36.2 percent of al
A. characteristic
B. illustrative
C. representative
D. reflective
One winter morning, my husband got up
early to ride his bike to his job. When my husband arrived at {{U}} (67)
{{/U}} , he parked his bike outside the back doors {{U}} (68) {{/U}}
he usually does. After putting in 10 {{U}} (69) {{/U}} hours of labour,
he returned to find his bike was gone -- stolen. I was so upset that someone would steal our only {{U}} (70) {{/U}} of transportation that I wrote to the {{U}} (71) {{/U}} newspaper and told them our story. They ran an article, and shortly {{U}} (72) {{/U}}, several people in our community {{U}} (73) {{/U}} to replace the bike. One wonderful stranger {{U}} (74) {{/U}} went out and bought a bike, then called my husband to come pick it {{U}} (75) {{/U}}. Once again my husband has a way to get to and from his jobs. It really is an {{U}} (76) {{/U}} that a complete stranger would g A. resource B. source C. way D. instrument [单选题]电气试验中,非金属外壳的仪器,应与地绝缘,金属外壳的仪器和变压器外壳应( )。
A.A.接地 B.B.绝缘 C.C.隔离 [单项选择]世界卫生组织规定的龋病患病水平的衡量标准是()
A. 人群龋病的患病率 B. 5岁儿童的无龋率 C. 12岁儿童的龋均 D. 12岁儿童的龋面均 E. 中老年人的根龋指数 [单项选择]食管癌的早期症状是()
A. 吞咽困难 B. 胸骨后疼痛 C. 食物或黏液反流 D. 进粗食时有暂时性胸骨后停留或异物感 E. 消瘦 [简答题]为什么对有些工件要进行发黑和发蓝处理?
A. 四环素族抗生素 B. 菌类制剂 C. 具有还原性西药 D. 碱性西药 E. 抗风湿液 [判断题]当UPS设备出现故障时,不可自动或手动切换至旁路供电。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]肝硬化气滞湿阻证的治法是()
A. 温补脾肾,通阳利水 B. 滋养肝肾,育阴利水 C. 活血化瘀,利水消肿 D. 运脾利湿,行气化水 E. 疏肝理气,健脾利湿 [单选题]下列哪一项疾病不出现吸气性呼吸困难()
A.喉癌 B.肺气肿 C.喉头水肿 D.喉管炎症 E.气管异物 [判断题]利润总额=营业利润+投资净收益+营业外收支净额—所得税费用。( )
A. 1年内 B. 18个月 C. 2年内 D. 6个月 [判断题] 经确认的电子防盗锁报警信息不作为货物损失处理的划责依据。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. 婴幼儿腹泻 B. 婴幼儿腹泻,轻型 C. 婴幼儿腹泻,重型 D. 消化不良,轻型 E. 消化不良,重型 我来回答: 提交