What makes a leader That’s the question star
headhunter Thomas J. Neff and James M.Citrin try to answer in their recent book,
"Lessons from the Top: The Search for America’s Best Business Leaders". The six principles shared by top business leaders and discussed in the book are: Living with integrity, developing a winning strategy or "big idea", building a great management team, inspiring employees to greatness, creating a flexible and responsible organization and using reinforcing management systems. Citrin and Neff elaborated on the six principles in a recent Business Week interview. The most important one for business A. A.Information is no longer power as everyone in the organization can share the same information at the same time. B.It’s difficult to create a good balance between work and family unless you have a good spouse. C.You can be successful both in work and family. D.Only a few of the interviewed CEOs may have some problem in family life. [单项选择]eTOM模型定义了三大流程域,其中( )是核心。
A. 战略流程域 B. 基础设施与产品流程域 C. 运营流程域 D. 企业管理流程域 [单选题]不得在( )内改建公共娱乐场所。
A.闲置车间 B.闲置仓库 C.市场 D.居民住宅楼 [单项选择]牙周膜中最常见的细胞()。
A. 成骨细胞 B. 破骨细胞 C. 间充质细胞 D. 成纤维细胞 E. 以上都是 [判断题]严禁为非正式员工设置查询用户。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]每个生物效价单位相当于全反式维生素A醇的量是
A. 碘量法 B. 三点校正法 C. GC D. 非水滴定法 E. 紫外分光光度吸收系数法() [单项选择]The problems of the elderly are attracting greater attention largely because the American population is growing steadily older as the proportion of its aged members increase. At the time of the first United States census in 1790, half of the people in the country were 16 or younger. By the turn of the present century the median age of the population had risen to 22.9 years; by 1970, it was 27.7 ; and by 1977 it had reached 28.9 ; the median age will reach 35 by the year 2000, and will approach 40 by the year 2030.
In time the burden of the years affects even the healthiest individual. Aging is accompanied by physiological changes that are not necessarily the result of any disease: apart from the more obvious signs of age—such as baldness, wrinkling, changes in body form, and stiffness of limbs—there is a general process of atrophy of the cells and gradual degeneration. However, the rate of physiological aging varies greatly from one person to another. Some people show noticeable s A. the American society is hostile to old age B. old people in America are putting on a tragedy C. what elderly Americans now endure can be avoided D. elderly Americans are not getting what they deserve [单选题]发动机正常工作温度为()。
A.80~85 B.90~95 C.70~75 [单项选择]下列剂型中,既可内服又能外用的是()
A. 肠溶片剂 B. 颗粒剂 C. 胶囊剂 D. 混悬剂 E. 糖浆剂 [多选题]CRH5型动车组牵引变压器采用芯式卧放结构。内部结构主要由铁芯、线圈构成的( )等组成。
A.铁芯 B.器身 C.引线 D.油泵 [判断题] 凡可慢分慢合的断路器,初次动作时可自行分合。( )( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]新民主主义向社会主义过渡的经济条件是社会主义国营经济的壮大。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,男性,26岁,因从约5m高处坠落伤及胸、腹部,疼痛、呼吸困难1小时入院,查体:呼吸30次/分,脉搏110次/分,血压88/40mmHg。神志恍惚,气管偏向左侧,右胸呼吸音较低。腹胀,全腹压痛。术后生命体征逐渐平稳,可在术后几天考虑开始拔出填塞物()
A. 1~2天 B. 3~5天 C. 5~7天 D. 7~10天 E. 10天以后 [单选题] 职工因工作受到事故伤害或者患职业病需要暂停工作接受治疗的,可以停工留薪,但停工留薪期一般不超过( )个月。
A.6 B.10 C.12 D.3 [单项选择]呃逆古称()
A. 噫 B. 干呕 C. 嗳气 D. 哕 E. 噎 [单项选择]黄宗羲认为:“然则其(封建国家)所谓法者,一家之法,而非天下之法也。……即谓有治人无治法,吾以谓有治法而后有治人。”黄宗羲在此倡导的是()
A. 推行体现民众意志的法治 B. 明确和强化法治的严肃性 C. 树立统一的“天下之法” D. 法治与人治有机结合起来 [判断题]从事施工现场临时用电工程作业的施工人员应配备防止中毒.灼伤的劳动防护用品。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于柔性接触网始触点的定义正确的是()
A.受电弓通过线岔时,受电弓碳滑板拐点开始触及另一股道接触线(非工作支方向)的触点。 B.受电弓通过线岔时,受电弓碳滑板拐点开始触及另一股道接触线(工作支方向)的触点。 C.受电弓通过线岔时,受电弓弓头拐点开始触及另一股道接触线(非工作支方向)的触点。 D.受电弓通过线岔时,受电弓弓头拐点开始触及另一股道接触线(工作支方向)的触点。 [判断题]按【锁杆】键通过线圈检测到车辆离开后,不自动落杆。当通过线圈再次检查到车辆离开时,即使当前业务未完成,系统不提示违章报警。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据2013版施工合同示范文本,下列说法不正确的是()。
A. “索赔过期作废制度”要求施工单位、建设单位、监理单位及时高效的处理索赔;实现项目管理的过程控制,动态管理 B. 承包人应在知道或应当知道索赔事件发生后28天内,向监理人递交索赔意向通知书,并说明发生索赔事件的事由 C. 承包人应在索赔事件发生后28天内,向监理人递交索赔意向通知书,并说明发生索赔事件的事由 D. 发包人应在监理人收到索赔报告或有关索赔的进一步证明材料后的28天内,由监理人向承包人出具经发包人签认的索赔处理结果。发包人逾期答复的,则视为认可承包人的索赔要求 [单项选择]下列关于申报原则的说法,不正确的是()。
A. 证券营业部接受投资者委托后应按“时间优先、价格优先”的原则进行申报竞价 B. 证券营业部在交易市场买卖证券均须公开申报竞价 C. 证券营业部在申报竞价时,须一次完整地报明买卖证券的数量、价格及其他规定的因素 D. 证券营业部在同时接受两个以上委托人买进与卖出委托且种类、数量、价格相同时,可以自行对冲完成交易 [判断题]当快开门式压力容器达到设计使用年限后,可以由原设计单位判断是否能继续使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]半水煤气中氧含量高有何危害?
[判断题]消防水枪是以水为喷射介质,通过水射流形式的选择进行灭火、冷却保护、排烟等多种消防作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当三相用电设备中配置有单相用电器具时,应选用()电缆。
A.五芯 B.四芯 C.三芯 D.单芯 [单选题]. (单选题) 根据《胜利油田HSSE管理手册》,重大隐患治理项目竣工投用()后,油田应成立由技术人员和专家组成的后评估小组或委托有资质的机构开展治理效果后评估。 (1.0分)
A. 一年 B. 6个月 C. 3个月 D. 半年 [多选题]计算机网络按交换方式可分为( )。
A.时隙交换 B.线路交换 C.报文交换 D.分组交换 E.编码交换 [单项选择]What can you learn about Bush's proposal of adding optional personal accounts
A. People can transfer some money from their investment accounts to the Social Security taxes B. The return people earn from their accounts can decide their social benefit decisively C. People can spent more on investment and meanwhile receive more benefit in the future D. These accounts will determine how much people can receive in their lives [判断题]分配电箱钥匙应由设备操作手进行保管。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《社会保险法》规定,县级以上人民政府应将社会保险事业纳入国民经济和社会发展规划。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于经营杠杆表述不正确的是( )。
A. 高经营杠杆行业需要获得更高的销售量来维持利润 B. 经营杠杆是营业利润相对于销售量变化敏感度的指示剂 C. 政府会使某些经营杠杆较高的行业成为垄断行业 D. 通常情况下,高经营杠杆代表着低风险 [单选题]ABS树脂是下列( )物质的共聚物。
A.丙烯腈、乙烯 B.丙烯腈、1,3-丁二烯、苯乙烯 C.丙烯腈、1,3-丁二烯 D.乙烯腈、苯 [判断题]电路一般是由电源.负载.导线和开关4个基本部分组成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]假币专用封装袋的材质为白色信封。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交