The term authority refers to the rights
inherent in a managerial position to give orders and expect the orders to be
followed. Authority was a major concept for the classical management writers;
they (1) it as the glue that held an organization together.It
was to be delegated (2) to subordinate managers, (3)
them certain rights while providing certain specified limits
(4) which to operate. Each management position has certain rights that the position holder (5) just bemuse they hold that position. Authority (6) to one’s position within an organization and ignores the personal (7) of the individual manager. It has nothing directly (8) the individual ( A. with B. having C. without D. deprived [单项选择]胃溃疡病人典型的疼痛节律是()。
A. 疼痛-进食-缓解 B. 进食-疼痛-缓解 C. 疼痛-禁食-疼痛 D. 疼痛-便意-便后缓解 E. 便意-疼痛-便后缓解 [判断题]1型糖尿病包括免疫介导1型糖尿病和特发性1型糖尿病。
[单项选择]介于上期销售量法和算术平均数法之间的方法是( )。
A. 一次移动平均数法 B. 二次移动平均数法 C. 指数平滑法 D. 回归分析法 [单选题]班前禁止饮酒,班中按规定着装,( )防护用品。
A.检查 B.佩带 C.保存 D.试验 [单选题]下列做法不符合法律规定的是( )。
A.甲村村委会主任虽然一直未执行法院判定他赔偿张某120万元经济损失的判决,但他这次仍顺利连任 B.乙社区居委会打算与驻扎在该地的部队就该部队夜间施工问题进行沟通,该部队以处于军事管理区为由进行推脱 C.丙社区居民会议决定对社区便利店的岗位采取公开招聘,不再直接安排给本社区内的贫困人员 D.丁村享有选举权的村民有500人,其中300人参与了对村委会主任王某进行罢免的投票,结果反对罢免的票数有160票,故王某未被罢免 [多选题]高压试验作业人员在全部加压过程中,应( )。
A.精力集中 B.操作人应站在绝缘垫上 C.随时警戒异常现象发生 D.有人监护并呼唱 [多选题]施工现场道路跨越沟槽时应搭设牢固的便桥,经验收合格后方可使用。便桥应符合()。
A.人行便桥的宽度不得小于1m B.手推车便桥的宽度不得小于1.5m C.汽车便桥的宽度不得小于3m D.汽车便桥的宽度不得小于3.5m E.略 F.略 [单项选择]无损检验中的回弹法可以检验混凝土的哪种性质
A. 和易性 B. 流动性 C. 保水性 D. 强度 [简答题]设函数y=y(x)在(-∞,+∞)内具有二阶导数,且y’≠0,x=x(y)是y=y(x)的反函数.
试将x=x(y)所满足的微分方程[*]变换为y=y(x)满足的微分方程; [单项选择]6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶的辅酶是()
A. CytC B. FMN C. FAD D. NAD+ E. NADP+ [多选题]以下属于资产计量属性的有( )。
A.历史成本 B.重置成本 C.公允价值 D.现值 [单选题]705 型试验台的操纵阀共有( )作用位。
A.4个 B.5个 C.6个 D.7个 [单选题]某企业拟以“2/20,N/40”的信用条件购进原料一批,则企业放弃现金折扣的机会成本率为( )。
A.2% B.36.73% C.18% D.36% [单选题]【单选题】省煤器磨损的主要原因( )
A.飞灰磨损 B.低温腐蚀 C.受氧腐蚀 D.其他选项都不对 [单项选择]
It’s hardly news that the immigration system is a mess. Foreign nationals have long been slipping across the border with fake papers, and visitors who arrive in the U.S. legitimately often overstay their legal welcome without being punished. But since Sept. 11, it’s become clear that terrorists have been shrewdly factoring the weaknesses of our system into their plans. In addition to their mastery of forging passports, at least three of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers (劫机者) were here on expired visas. That’s been a safe bet until now. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) (移民归化局) lacks the resources, and apparently the inclination, to keep track of the estimated 2 million foreigners who have intentionally overstayed their welcome. [判断题]抢险救援消防车使用主灯照明,升降杆下降后,如再上升,可在下降的中途立即进行上升转换操作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述护理教育学的研究范畴。
A. 雷电感应过电压 B. 弧光接地过电压 C. 操作过电压 D. 电磁谐振过电压 [单项选择]要实现组织目标,应预测分析实现目标的( )
A. 人力、物力 B. 外部条件 C. 内部条件 D. 资源条件和客观环境 [单选题]《市政工程施工安全检查标准》规定,缆索起重机主承重索与锚碇连接处夹角应为 。 ( )
A.A、25°-30° B.B、30°-45° C.C、45°-60° D.D、60°-75° [单项选择]修复体对龈组织的保护,最重要的是()
A. 修复体的边缘与预备体十分密合 B. 修复体邻面接触区近龈端 C. 修复体龈缘要薄,小于0.3mm D. 修复体龈缘位于龈嵴顶上 E. 修复体轴面外形尽可能平 [单选题]早孕期间最早于哪周能观察到胎心搏动( )
A. 4~5周 B. 6~7周 C. 8~9周 D. 10~11周 E. 3~4周 我来回答: 提交