The National Trust in Britain, together
with similar voluntary organizations, plays an increasingly important part in
the preservation for public enjoyment of the best that is left unspoiled of the
British countryside. Although the Trust has received practical and moral support
from the government, it is not a rich government, supported by public taxes. It
is a voluntary association of people who care for the unspoiled countryside and
the ancient sites to preserve them for the permanent enjoyment of the public. It
is a charity, which depends for its existence on voluntary support from members
of the public. It has 160,000 members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland who
pay a small subscription each year, and its primary duties are to protect for
the nation places of great natural beauty and places of historical interest and
pres A. They are under the threat of modern technology. B. Less and less support is got for their repair and maintenance. C. Heavy taxation and estate duty caused their being desertion. D. They are more dynamic, vigorous and valuable than before. [简答题]说出《城市低保工作规范》中规定的城市低保对象的6种日常管理制度?
A.消防技术服务机枘未取得资质证书,擅自从事消防技术服务活动的 B.消防技术服务机枘超出许可范围,擅自从事消防技术服务活动 C.人员密集场所燃放烟花爆竹 D.公共娱乐场所、商场、集贸市场在营业时间进行电焊、气焊、气割、砂轮切割和油漆等具有火灾危险的施工、维修作业 [单选题] 违反规定取得外国国籍或者获取境外永久居留资格、长期居留许可的,予以( )。
A.警告 B.记过或记大过 C.降级或者撤职 D.撤职或者开除 [判断题]政府机构派出的组织并不一定都是派出机构。( )
[单选题]城市轨道交通车辆的制动方式中的电制动分为电阻制动和( )。
A.闸瓦制动 B.摩擦制动 C.空气制动 D.再生制动 [判断题]汇票背书转让,未记载背书日期的无效 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]二进制数1100100转换成十进制整数等于( )。
A. 96 B. 100 C. 104 D. 112 我来回答: 提交