China to help Europe Develop GPS
Rival China is to contribute to a new global satellite navigation system being developed by European nations. The Galileo satellite system {{U}} (51) {{/U}} a more accurate civilian alternative to the Global Positioning System(GPS), operated by the US military. China will provided 230m Euros (USD 259m) in {{U}} (52) {{/U}} and will cooperate with technical, manufacturing and market development. "China will help Galileo to {{U}} (53) {{/U}} the major world infrastructure for the growing market for location services, " said Loyola de Palacio, EU transport commissioner. A new center that will coordinate co-operation was also announced {{U}} (54) {{/U}}) the European Commission, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Chinese Mi A. be made from B. consist of C. consist in D. be consisted of [判断题]2.20. 第20题
铜连接管和铜接线端子制成后必须退火,并应镀锡,其表面不得有毛刺、裂纹和锐边。 A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
Budgeting A Budgeting in a business sense is the planned allocation of available funds to each department within a company. Budgeting allows executives to control overspending in less productive areas and put more company assets into areas which generate significant income or good public relations. Budgeting is usually handled during meetings with accountants, financial experts and representatives from each department affected by the budgeting. B In a personal financing sense, budgeting can mean estimating monthly living expenses based on previous bills and wages. If your monthly income is a steady $3000, for example, you can subtract all of your known monthly bills from that figure even before they arrive. Some bills can be estimated and subtracted from the original income figure. The remaining balance after fixed expenses now becomes your household budget. Instead of assigning dol [多项选择]《民政部关于进一步加快推进民办社会工作服务机构发展的意见》针对加强民办社会工作服务机构能力建设提出了()要求。
A. 进一步增强民办社会工作服务机构内部治理能力 B. 着力提升民办社会工作服务机构服务水平 C. 建立健全民办社会工作服务机构联系志愿者制度 D. 加强民办社会工作服务机构党群组织建设 E. 积极做好民办社会工作服务机构行业服务 [单项选择]结构厚度不大而面积或长度较大的混凝土浇筑宜采用( )浇筑方案。
A. 全面分层 B. 分段分层 C. 斜面分层 D. 截面分层 [单项选择]SAH急性期,下列哪些药物在治疗上无价值()
A. 尼莫地平 B. 6-氨基己酸 C. 甘露醇 D. 镇静剂(安定等) E. 低分子右旋糖苷 [多项选择]施工图设计文件审查范围包括()。
A. 结构安全 B. 强制性标准执行情况 C. 强制性规范执行情况 D. 地方标准执行情况 E. 设计院绘图标准 [多选题]卷烟是一种特殊的消费品,卷烟消费有其自身的特点,包括( )。
A.明显的区域性 B.强烈的品牌偏好性 C.顽固的口味偏好性 D.快速消费性 [单选题]病例:患者,男,26岁。右膝外侧皮肤挫裂伤4小时。创面1.5cm*3cm,伤口内有沙土污染。3天后,发现伤口红肿明显,有较多脓性分泌物。应采取的主要措施是。
A.清继续观察 B.大剂量使用青霉素 C.使用大量TAT D.向伤口内塞置引流条 E.立即拆去缝线+换药 [单项选择]乔治•桑是()小说家。
A. 浪漫主义 B. 现实主义 C. 古典主义 D. 自然主义 [单项选择]有关尿液肌红蛋白检验的叙述,正确的是()
A. 不可采用隐血试验检查 B. 硫酸铵Mb溶解试验灵敏度高 C. 尿液标本必须新鲜 D. 主要用于鉴别红细胞是否破坏 E. 酶联免疫吸附法的灵敏度和特异性差 我来回答: 提交