When Daniel Franklin, a political
science professor from Atlanta, needed career advancement advice, he didn’t turn
to colleagues, therapists or even his mom. He went to the Advice Ladies. Three thirty something New York women, advertising freelancers by day, have turned themselves into Saturday afternoon street-comer oracles, they pull up lawn chairs and a table on a lower Manhattan street corner and dish out free advice to passersby. They’ve claimed the comer of West Broadway and Broome Street in Soho as their own for the last several months. Amy Alkon, who, with longtime friends Marlowe Minnick and Carolyn Johnson, becomes a part-time shrink each weekend. "We use creative problem- solving to turn problem into fun," she says. On a recent steamy afternoon, a line has formed in front of the Advice Ladies’ table. Obv A. changed the New York street comers into oracles B. used the New York street comers as their advice office C. sat at a street comer to give people free advice D. made a street comer their place to predict the future to passersby [多选题]线路巡视有( )等几种。
A.A、定期巡视 B.B、特殊性巡视 C.C、夜间巡视 D.D、故障性巡视 [单选题]在行政诉讼期间( )不得自行向原告和证人收取证据。
A.被告 B.人民法院 C.公安机关 D.执法人员 [多选题]―年,一号线电动列车司机A值乘列车以 AM—C 模式在大学城上行进站,列车因收到越站指令过标5米;当值司机报行调后得知该次列车为返空回场列车,不应载客。经调查,当值司机所领取轮乘卡上却未对该次列车载客情况进行明确标示,而当值司机又错误的理解为其需载客运行至马家岩站后清客回场,进而在尖顶坡站办理了乘客乘降作业,造成返空列车错误载客运行。结合案列,司机在起点站应认真确认轮乘卡上内容包括( )
A.终点站站名 B.终到时间 C.起点站发车时间 D.值乘方式(载客/返空) [判断题] 在动车段(所)内运行遇列控车载设备输出制动停车时,司机须与车站(段、所)联控确认后,方可继续运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]人工半解剖式牙的牙尖斜度为
A. 0°~3° B. 10°~13° C. 20°~23° D. 30°~33° E. 40°~43° [单项选择]机电产品国际招标项目采用邀请招标方式的,应当向( )备案。
A. 国家发改委 B. 财政部 C. 商务部 D. 工信部 [判断题]十大口碑岗位包含:停车场安全员、置家顾问、前台专员、楼管专员、营业员、收银员、保洁员、客诉专员、综合行政专员、收费专员。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]施工单位应当根据专家组提出的论证报告修改完善专项方案,并经( )签字后,方可组织实施。
A. 施工单位技术负责人 B. 施工单位项目负责人 C. 项目总监理工程师 D. 建设单位项目负责人 E. 设计单位项目负责人 [单选题]物料提升机的自由端高度是指( )附墙架与导轨架顶端间的垂直距离。
A.A、第一道 B.B、第二道 C.C、最下方一道 D.D、最末一道 [单项选择]发动机由活塞、( )、曲轴三大件组成。
A. 气门 B. 连杆 C. 顶杆 D. 机体 [单项选择]