Most people who travel long distance
complain of jetlag. Jetlag makes business travelers less productive and more
prone (21) making mistakes. It is actually caused by
(22) of your "body clock" --a small cluster of brain cells
that controls the timing of biological (23) . The body clock
is designed for a (24) rhythm of daylight and darkness, so
that it is thrown out of balance when it (25) daylight and
darkness at the "wrong" times in a new time zone. The (26)
of jetlag often persist for days (27) the internal body
clock slowly adjusts to the new time zone. Now a new anti-jetlag system is (28) that is based on proven (29) pioneering scientific research. Dr, Martin Mooreede had (30) a practical strategy to adjust the body clock much sooner to the new time zone (31) A. from B. of C. for D. to [多选题]安全监管应当按照先急后缓、分级负责、分类指导的原则,采取( )等方式进行。
A.专项治理 B.专家指导 C.现场督办 D.暗访督查 [单选题]17型车钩的连挂间隙是( )。
A.13.5mm B.11.5mm C.10.5mm D.9.5mm [简答题]两个相干声源,频率均为2kHz,声速为340m/s,在空间传播,若空间某点P距离两声源的波程差为2.635,通过计算证明该点P的振幅是最大还是最小?
[多选题] 《安全生产法》规定,生产经营单位应当具备的安全生产条件所必需的资金投入,由()给予保证。
A.生产经营单位的决策机构主要负责人 B.个人经营的投资人 C.生产经营单位主管生产的负责人 D.生产经营单位主管经营的负责人 [单选题]下列哪一项不是左向右分流型先天性心脏病的共同特点( )
A.一般情况下无青紫,随着病情进展,可出现艾森曼格综合征 B.肺循环血量增加,易患肺炎 C.心前区可闻及收缩期杂音 D.体循环血量不足,生长发育迟缓 E.常感头痛、头晕,甚至突然昏厥 [单选题][单选题]“从摇篮到摇篮”的管理,体现了对固体废物管理实行( )的原则。
A.集中处置 B.全过程管理 C.分类管理 D.许可证管理 [判断题][题号:517;鉴定点:BAA028;判断题;题分:1;难度:3;一致性:5]
可燃物开始持续燃烧所需要的最低温度,叫做该物质的自燃点。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]口对口人工呼吸时,应先连续大口吹气两次,每次()。
A.2~3s B.1~2s C.1.5~2.5s D.1~1.5s [单选题]施工单位于每月( )日前通过施工系统提报次月施工计划。
A.7 B.9 C.11 D.13 [判断题]单程票指由TVM或者BOM出售,可在轨道交通网络中按赋值乘坐使用一次。进站条件是当日任意站,使用方式是“照进插出”。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交