{{B}}Text{{/B}} Christmas was a{{U}} (8) {{/U}}affair when I grew up. There were just my parents and I. I vowed{{U}} (9) {{/U}}someday I’ d marry and have six children, and at Christmas my house would{{U}} (10) {{/U}}with energy and love. I found the man{{U}} (11) {{/U}}shared my dream, but we had not reckoned{{U}} (12) {{/U}}the possibility of{{U}} (13) {{/U}}. Undaunted, we applied{{U}} (14) {{/U}}adoption, and then he arrived. We called him Our Christmas Boy{{U}} (15) {{/U}}he came to us during that season of joy. Then nature surprised us again. We{{U}} (16) {{/U}}two biological children to the family—not as many as we had{{U}} (17) {{/U}}for, but three made an entirely satisfactory{{U}} (18) {{/U}}. As Our Christmas Boy grew, h A. promoted B. stirred C. stimulated D. fired [判断题]明洞施工时,如施工边坡能暂时稳定时,应采用先拱后墙法。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]电力设备和线路短路故障的保护应有(___)。
A.主保护 B. B. 后备保护 C. C. 必要时可再增设辅助保护 D. D. 电流保护 [判断题]高压设备带电作业方式分为直接带电作业和间接带电作业两种。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]【技能鉴定2019 高级工】101.架线时,降温法是对导线“初伸长”的补偿( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]请阅读短文,完成第小题。
BRITISH universities can be depressing. The teachers complain about their pay and students worry they will end up frying burgers or jobless. Perhaps they should try visiting McDonald's University in London's East Finchley. Students are often "rough and ready", with poor qualifications and low self-esteem. But ambition-igniting murals display the ladder of opportunity that leads from the grill to the comer office (McDonald's chief executives have always started at the bottom). A map of the world shows the seven counterpart universities. Cabinets display trophies such as the Sunday Times award for being one of Britain's best 25 employers.
McDonald's is one of Britain's biggest trainers. It gets about 1 million applicants a year, accepting only one in 15, and spends ~40m($61m) a year on training. The Finchley campus, opened by Margaret Thatcher, then the local MP, in 1989, is one of the biggest training centres in Europe--many of the classrooms are equipped with booths for interpreters. It is part of a bigger system. An employee's web-portal, Our Lounge, provides training as well as details about that day's shifts, and allows employees to compete against each other in work-related video games.
The focus is on practicalities. A retired policeman conducts a fast-paced class on conflict management. He shows a video of a woman driven mad by the fact that you cannot get chicken McNuggets at breakfast time. He asks the class if they have ever had a difficult customer, and every hand goes up. Students are then urged to share their advice.
Self-esteem and self-management are on the syllabus, too. Steven Covey's" Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" is a popular test. A year-long apprenticeship program emphasizing English and maths leads to a nationally recognized qualification. Mcdonald's has paid for almost 100iople to get degrees from Manchester Metropolitan university.
The company professes to be unfazed by the fact that many alumni will end up working elsewhere. It needs to train people who might be managing a business with a 5 million turnover by Ihtir mid-2Os. It also needs to satisfy the company's appetite for senior managers, one of whom will eventually control the entire global McDonald's empire.
What does the underlined word "one" in PARGRAPH 2 refer to?
A.Trainer. B.Applicant. C.Employee. D.Employer. [单选题]从2004年起, 我国在国际民航组织中的地位是
A.三类理事国 B.一类理事国 C.二类理事国 D.地区的区域性代表 [多选题]加强应急队伍建设和管理,开展( )。加强应急装备配置,做到门类齐全、先进适用。
A.应急培训 B.技术交底 C.实战演练 D.技术比武 [判断题]从业人员未经培训合格的,应当视为生产安全事故隐患。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]说“市场经济只限于资本主义社会、资本主义的市场,这肯定是不正确的。社会主义为什么不可以搞市场经济,这个不能说是资本主义”这句话是( )指出的。
A. 毛泽东 B. 周恩来 C. 邓小平 D. 朱德 [单项选择]会计人员在登账后发现,在分配工资费用时,将福利人员的工资错误的记入了“销售费用”科目。此时应采用的更正方法是( )。
A. 划线更正法 B. 红字更正法 C. 补充登记法 D. 编制相反分录冲减 [单选题]在共发射极放大电路中,若静态工作点设置过低,易产生( )。
A.饱和失真 B. 交越失真 C.截止失真 D. 直流失真 我来回答: 提交