A variety of significant, attractive
short-term benefits will drive the development of modern self-sufficient homes.
These include security from severe weather, climate changes, and natural
disasters; security from infectious diseases and related health problems; a
fresh and nutritious diet; a dependable food supply; and security from global
unrest. But the real benefit of Earth Homes will be the long-term sustainability of our planet. It should be no secret that the planet is experiencing unusual weather and climate abnormalities. The 10 hottest years in recorded history have all been in the last 15 years; the 1990s were the hottest decade on record. The Midwestern heat wave of 1995 killed 669 people in Chicago. In 1996, we had a season of record heat spells, and 1997 was the single wan nest year on record--until 1998 shattered glob A. based on short-term benefits B. based on the long-term sustainability C. free from severe weather, climate changes, natural disasters, etc. D. fresh and nutritious, free from global unrest [单项选择]出口货物的申报必须在装货的( )之内。
A. 48小时 B. 12小时 C. 24小时 D. 36小时 [单项选择](6~8题共用题干)
患者,男性,57岁,胰十二指肠切除术后6天发生胰漏,出现呼吸深快。查体:颜面潮红,心率110次/分,血压90/60 mmHg,腱反射减弱。血气分析:pH 7.27,PaCO2 28 mmHg,BE -15 mmo1/L。该病人酸碱紊乱最可能是() A. 呼吸性酸中毒合并代谢性酸中毒 B. 呼吸性碱中毒合并代谢性酸中毒 C. 代谢性酸中毒合并呼吸性碱中毒 D. 呼吸性酸中毒伴代偿性低CO2血症 E. 代谢性酸中毒合并呼吸性酸中毒 [多选题]()会导致高压单芯电缆金属护层的感应电流的增大变化。
A.同轴电缆内外芯短路 B.同轴电缆相位错误 C.换位排连接方向错误 D.环境温度 [多选题]下列关于初检区的叙述,正确的是( )。
A.单元面积20m2左右 B.对交售的烟叶进行质量初检 C.进行编码 D.对交售的烟叶进行质量预检 [单选题] 离心式压缩机在小流量下运行时可通过()使压缩机不致发生喘振。
A.降低出口管网压力 B.提高入口压力 C.降低压缩机转速 D.出口同流" [单选题]某患者因急性阑尾炎穿孔,腹膜炎,手术后第3天,体温升高达39度,伴大便次数增多,里急后重,黏液便,伤口不疼,无咳嗽,考虑哪项可能性最大
A.切口感染 B.菌痢 C.肠炎 D.盆腔脓肿 E.肺炎、肺不张 [单选题]操作井下电气设备应遵守规定,手持式电气设备的操作把手和工作中必须接触的部分( )良好的绝缘。
A.最好有 B.必须有 C.不必有 [单选题]149、实行远方遥控操作,程序操作的设备、项目,需经()批准。[单选题]
A.A、工作负责人 B.B、工作签发人 C.C、本单位 D.D、监护人 我来回答: 提交