Author Emma Heathcote-James has spent nine years
looking into real-life ghost stories, collecting tales from hundreds of people
who claim to have seen evidence of an afterlife. The 27-year-old started her
research at university and her thesis was turned into a BBC documentary that she
re-wrote as her debut bestseller Seeing Angels. The book prompted so many people
to write to her with their ghostly experiences that she used them for a second
book After Death Communication, which has just been released in
paperback. Her new book They Walk Among Us describes séances with mediums who can summon solid ghosts out of thin air. While working on the book she invited a medium to her home in the Cotswolds to demonstrate a form of ghostly communication where spirits take over the body. She explained: "This medium c A. his dead wife spoke to him in a tone he used to announce his arrival to her B. his wife spoke to him who died a few hours ago, in a tone he used to announce his arrival C. his dead wife spoke to him in a tone she used to announce her arrival D. none of the above [多选题]本次出警任务中,你在积极进行劝说的同时,要做好:(多选)
A.疏散围观群众 B.暗示同事做好救援措施 C.找人社部门有关人员提出解决办法 D.联系小林的女友或者家人来现场劝导 [判断题]BE005根据声幅曲线可以判断水泥胶结的好坏。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]治安耳目物建的原则有()。
A. 就地建立原则 B. 需要与可能相结合原则 C. 合理布局原则 D. 积极稳妥原则 [多项选择]施主扇区覆盖缩小,手机发射电平变高的原因是()
A. 用户量太大 B. 施主基站接收机噪声系数升高 C. 引入的直放站太多 D. 反向链路带内杂散辐射 [单项选择]全部管理职能中最基本的职能是()。
A. 组织 B. 领导 C. 控制 D. 计划 E. 协调 [单项选择]城市住宅小区、开发区内的道路建设,应当分别纳入住宅小区、()的开发建设计划配套建设。
A. 经济区 B. 开发区 C. 发展区 D. 生活区 [单选题]在国内航空运输中,对每名旅客随身携带的物品,承运人的赔偿责任限额是()。
A.1000 元 B.2000 元 C.3000 元 D.5000 元 [填空题]
In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture once only. While listening to the lecture, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a 15-minute gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET after the mini-lecture. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. At present companies and industries like to sponsor sports events. Two reasons are put forward to explain this phenomenon. The first reason is that they get{{U}} (1) {{/U}}throughout the world. The second reason is that companies and industries{{U}} (2) {{/U}} money as they get reductions in the tax they owe if they sponsor sports or arts activities. As sponsorship is{{U}} (3) {{/U}} careful thinking is required in deciding which events to sponsor. It is important that the event to be sponsored{{U}} (4) {{/U}}the product(s) to be promoted. That is, the right{{U}} (5) {{/U}}and max [单选题]集控站专用不间断电源应配置( )台,单台容量在满足监控系统设备负荷后,应留有40%的裕量。
A.4; B.3; C.2; D.1 [单项选择]土球直径在()厘米以下的苗木,如果苗木根部土质坚硬,可以在坑外打包。
A. 50 B. 60 C. 70 D. 80 [单选题]以下几种物质的结晶过程,( )与PX的结晶过程最接近。
A.岩浆形成石英、云母 B.盐场生产食盐 C.火山口硫蒸气形成硫磺晶体 D.以上说法都不正确 [多选题]“大型养路机械检查鉴定表”中有“*”者为关键项目,检查时必须全部合格。其中( )为关键项目。
A.仪表显示功能 B.辅助部件 C.缓冲器 D.安全装置 [判断题]电容式含水率计,适用于持(含)水率为任意的油井。
A. 提高教育质量,促进学生全面发展 B. 是实现学校管理科学化的需要 C. 是促进广大教师专业发展的需要 D. 是充分调动广大教职工和学生的积极性,推动教育教学改革的需要 [单项选择]肝脏MR检查前,受检者需禁食水()
A. 2h B. 4h C. 6h D. 8h E. 10h [单项选择]以下各种疾病应选用流质饮食的为()
A. 高热 B. 肝炎恢复期 C. 骨折恢复期 D. 营养不良 E. 肝豆状核变性 [填空题]Clocks through Time
It took human being a long time to invent diverse ways for telling time. About
3000 years ago people first made a circle with a stick in tile center of it to (1) [1] ______
______ the passage of time by noticing various marks on the circle the shadow of
the stick fell across.
Since these kinds of circles that are called (2) ______ did not work without [2] ______
the sun, men had to find other ways to keep track of time, including a (3) ______ [3] ______
candle on which each stripe took about one hour to melt, a water clock which had a
line with a number beside it for every hour and an (4) ______ which followed tile [4] ______
invention of glass blowing.
The first clock with a face and an hour hand was invented about 600 years ago
for few people. With the gradually (5) ______ use of clocks, they were beautiful- [5] ______
ly (6) ______, though they could not keep correct time. Scarcely had clocks been
A.终将 尽管 但 目标 B.无疑 虽然 但 指盼 C.终将 虽然 然而 目标 D.无疑 尽管 然而 指盼 [单选题]着陆平飘阶段,前段速度( ),下沉( ),拉杆量应( )
A.较大、较快、小 B.较大、较慢、小 C.较小、较快、大 D.较小、较慢、大 [单选题]下列有关WordXP文本框的叙述中,正确的是()。
A.在文本框中输入的文字不能进行格式设置 B.加了文本框的文本可以移动到文档的任何位置 C.文本框不能使文字在图的周围环绕排列 D.在文本框中输入文本,文本框会因文本内容的增多而增大 [多选题](多选题)下列所列出的检查项当中,可以划为物理常数的是 ( )
A. 相对密度 B. 旋光度 C. 黏度 D. 吸收系数 E.皂化值 [单选题]测定某混合碱时,用酚酞作指示剂时所消耗的盐酸标准溶液比继续加甲基橙作指示剂所消耗的盐酸标准溶液多,说明该混合碱的组成为( )
A. Na2CO3+NaHCO3 B. Na2CO3+NaOH C. NaHCO3+NaOH D.Na2CO3 [单选题]大额风险暴露是指商业银行对单一客户或一组关联客户超过其一级资本净额()的风险暴露。
A.0.025 B.0.15 C.0.25 D.0.5 [单选题]室内GIS就位前,作业人员应将作业现场所有孔洞盖严,避免人员摔伤。需建临时载物平台的应进行负载计算,搭设完毕后,经()验收合格后方可使用。
A.监理 B.安全员 C.质检员 D.项目经理 [单选题]供电企业一般不采用趸售方式供电,以减少中间环节。特殊情况需开放趸售供电时,应由( )电网经营企业报国务院电力管理部门批准。
A.县级 B.市级 C.省级 D.国家级 [判断题]动火作业间断或终结后,清理现场后即可离开。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]当接到消防安全重点地区、重点单位报警或者在重点时段等易发生重大人员伤亡、财产损失及政治社会影响的灾害事故报警时,必须(),及时启动执勤战斗预案,并通知值班首长或者全勤指挥部遂行作战。
A. 调集大吨位水罐车 B. 调集大量战斗人员 C. 加强首批出动力量 D. 调集专职消防力量 [简答题]怎样对能力进行分类
A. 16 B. 20 C. 25 D. 30 [多选题]边检执勤人员在接待媒体记者采访时用语应严谨、规范,下列用语可用、可以说( )。
A.可以谢绝采访、推迟采访,但要小心防止产生不负责印象 B.可以说明需要保密,但要小心防止谣言传播 C.可以保持沉默,但要小心防止造成对抗态势 [简答题]什么是函数的嵌套调用?
[单选题]正线道岔(直向)与曲线超高顺坡终点之间的直线段长度:线路允许速度大于160km/h时一般不应小于( )m。
A.100 B.70 C.25 D.20 [单选题]现代类人猿和人类的共同祖先可能是( )。
A.黑猩猩 B.长臂猿 C.森林古猿 D.大猩猩 [多项选择]苯二氮革类药物的药理作用包括
A. 镇静催眠作用 B. 麻醉作用 C. 中枢性肌肉松弛 D. 抗惊厥作用 E. 抗惊厥、抗癫癎 我来回答: 提交