There are several different methods
that can be used to create a forecast. The method a forecaster chooses depends
upon the experience of the forecaster, the amount of information available to
the forecaster, the level of difficulty that the forecast situation presents,
and the degree of accuracy or confidence needed in the forecast. The first of these methods is the persistence method; the simplest way of producing a forecast. The persistence method assumes that the conditions at the time of the forecast will not Change. For example, if it is sunny and 87 degrees today, the persistence method predicts that it will be sunny and 87 degrees tomorrow. If two inches of rain fell today, the persistence method would predict two inches of rain for tomorrow. However, if weather conditions change significantly from day to day, the persist A. when the current weather scenario differs from the analog. B. when the current weather scenario is the same as the analog. C. when the analog is over ten years old. D. when the analog is a simple repetition of the current weather scenario. [单选题]下列不属于基金业的地位和作用的是( )。
A.完善金融体系和社会保障体系 B.促进了金融行业交易成本的降低 C.优化金融结构,促进经济增长 D.为中小投资者拓宽投资渠道 [判断题]生产经营单位应当在有较大危险因素的生产经营场所和有关设施设备上,设置明显的安全警示标志。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]隧道开挖过程中,上台阶长度控制在()倍隧道开挖跨度,中间核心土维系开挖面的稳定。
A.1~1.2 B.1~1.5 C.1.5~2 D.1~2 [多选题] 下列( )在调节器计划维修作业验收评分中每块(个、处)扣8分。
A.尖轨轨底与台板密贴间隙>1.5mm B.尖轨轨撑与轨底上表面0.5mm<间隙≤1.0mm C.尖轨轨撑与轨腰间隙>0.5mm D.尖轨其余密贴段与基本轨间隙>1.0mm [单选题]以下哪项不是骨折的专有体征( )
A.骨擦音 B.骨擦感 C.局部畸形 D.功能障碍 E.异常活动 [单项选择]斗轮堆取料机前进不得超过轮斗的()。
A. 1/3 B. 1/2 C. 2/3 [单选题]溜放信号:昼间——拢起的手信号旗两臂高举头上( )后,急向左右摇动数次;夜间——红色灯光作圆形转动。
A.摇动 B.小动 C.交叉 D.晃动 [单选题]队伍紧急战备或工作需要召回时,请假、休假应当怎样做?( )。
A.请假、休假的人员可不必返归队 B.请假、休假的人员应当立即归队 C.请假、休假的人员可根据情况归队 [单选题]机体发生创伤后,营养状况的评估指标中不包括的是
A.血小板测定 B.休重 C.白蛋白测定 D.皮褶厚度 E.淋巴细胞测定 [单项选择]属于糖醛酸的是
A. D-葡萄糖 B. D-葡萄糖醛酸 C. L-鼠李糖 D. D-果糖 E. L-阿拉伯糖 [单选题]下列哪项不是以力学和运动学原理为基础的运动治疗?
A. Bobath技术 B. 肌力训练 C. 耐力训练 D. 关节活动训练 E. 牵伸训练 [判断题]电容式终端内绝缘的特点是:在内绝缘中附加了电容元件,使终端头电场分布更合理,并可减小终端头的结构尺寸。
[多选题]分类码是对许可证内生产范围进行统计归类的英文字母串。大写字母用于归类( )。
A.原料药生产企业 B.药品上市许可持有人 C.药品生产企业 D.产品类型 [多项选择]赵云是蜀汉丝织饰品贸易公司的报检员,赵云的下列行为中,其《报检员证》应被注销的有( )。
A. 赵云从蜀汉公司辞职 B. 赵云不再从事报检工作 C. 蜀汉公司停止进出口业务不再办理报检手续 D. 蜀汉公司派赵云到口岸办理本公司出口商品的换证报检业务 [单项选择]闭路电视监控系统的规模可根据监视范围的大小以及监视目标的多少来确定,监视系统的大小一般根据摄像机的数量划分,其中()之间的为中型电视监控系统。
A. 10~50个 B. 10~100个 C. 50~100个 D. 100~200个 [判断题] 违章跨越皮带属于有痕类不安全行为。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]工作地点:填写实际工作主要场所。其中断路器、隔离开关、接地刀闸填写( )和( );母线、构架、线路及其他设备上工作填写电压等级和( )。
A.电压等级 B.双重名称 C.设备名称 D.设备编号 [多选题]粮食仓库的火灾特点主要有( )。
A.易形成大面积燃烧 B.炭化阴燃,纵向蔓延 C.烟雾大、损失严重 D.易发生粉尘爆炸 E.人员密集,疏散困难 [填空题] 在一定体积的溶液中所溶解的气体量与气水界面上该气体的分压力成正比称为()。
[多项选择]Which of the following are characteristics of named access lists?()
A. Individual statements in a named access list may be deleted. B. They require a numbered range from 1000 to 1099. C. When created, they must be specified as standard or extended. D. They are created with the ip access-list command. E. The entire access list must be deleted before editing. F. They are applied with the ip name-group command. [单项选择]Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The (67) you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually (68) you money or can add (69) the cost.
Take the (70) example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might (71) that you are making the (72) buy if you choose one (73) look you like and which is also the cheapest (74) price. But when you get it home you may find that it (75) twice as long as a more expensive (76) to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well (77) your hairdryer the most expensive one of all. So what principles should you (78) when you go out shopping If you (79) your home, your car or any valuable (80) in excellent condition, you’ll be saving money in the long (81) Before you buy a new A. form B. fashion C. way D. method [单选题]《防止电力生产重大事故的二十五项重点要求》规定:在密集敷设电缆的主控制室下电缆夹层和电缆沟内,不得布置热力管道、( )管道以及其他可能引起着火的管道和设备。
A.油气; B.供水; C.煤气; D.污水 [单项选择]肢体语言所表达的占全部表达信息的()
A. 7% B. 38% C. 55% 我来回答: 提交