Think of all the criminals who have
killed, all the soldiers who have killed; consider the mass murder of Jews in
Nazi Germany. Is there something inside human beings that allows us to take part
in this sort of violence, or were these people swept along by the
situation Stanley Milgram, a New York psychologist, designed an experiment to find answers to this question, paying adult males four and a half dollars to act the role of "teacher" in a complicated experiment. The "teachers" were to ask questions of a "learner", a middle-aged man in another room. If the learner gave an incorrect answer, the teacher was instructed to turn a knob to send an electric current to the learner’s chair. There were thirty positions on the control knob, with the shocks ranging from 15 to 450 volts, the last position marked "Danger: Severe Shock". The teachers were told to A. most teachers complained after the initial shock B. four percent of the teachers went up to 300 volts C. the majority of teachers did not deliver shocks above 150 volts D. thirty-eight percent of all the subjects did not deliver shock all the way up to 450 volts. [单选题]( )是灭火救援业务训练能否顺利进行的重要物质基础。(易)
A.人员保障 B.时间保障 C.训练装备保障 D.训练经费保障 [多选题]下列情形中,公安机关不应当承担国家赔偿责任的是( )。
A..被逮捕的赵某为了能取保候审,将剪刀吞进肚子,导致胃内出血死亡 B.看守所民警刘某在回家途中,遇到了刚被释放的徐某,徐某对刘某大声辱骂,刘某上前将徐某打伤 C.陈某为了掩盖儿子盗窃的事实,便向公安机关说是自己干的,导致公安机关将陈某刑事拘留 D.李某的儿子出于激愤将他人杀死后逃逸,但被摄像机拍下了全部过程。李某为了保护儿子,主动向公安机关投案,说人是自己杀的,已清楚案情的办案民警为了迫使李某的儿子早日归案,便将李某刑拘 [单选题]有限空间检测记录经( )签字后存档。
A.检测人员 B.现场负责人 C.监护人员 D.盯控干部 [单选题]( )不是新加坡国家禁忌的颜色。
A.黑色 B.黄色 C.白色 D.蓝色 [简答题]27.5kv的电压等级应与带电设备保持的安全距离是( )m。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] "急性胰腺炎时尿淀粉酶常超过( )
A. 32. U B. 64 U C.12.8 U D.2.56 U E.512. U " [多项选择]单向板肋梁楼盖按弹性理论计算时,连续梁、板的跨数应按()确定。
A. 对于各跨荷载相同,其跨数超过五跨的等跨等截面连续梁、板将所有中间跨均以第三跨来代替 B. 对于超过五跨的多跨连续梁、板,可按五跨来计算其内力 C. 当梁板跨数少于五跨时,按五跨来计算内力 D. 当梁板跨数少于五跨时,按实际跨数计算 [单选题]避雷器更换前,检测1mA直流参考电压,其值不低于出厂值的( )%。
A.96 B.97 C.98 D.99。 [单选题]当民用建筑工程处于地质构造断裂带时,应根据土壤氡浓度的测定结果,确定防氡措施,当氡浓度不大于( )Bq/m3时可不采用防氡工程措施。
A.30000 B.50000 C.10000 D.20000 [多选题]客货票据入库、领发、出库,均应办理( )手续,并及时登记账簿,严禁信用交接。对于暂时不使用的客货票据,应当及时办理返库手续。
A.清点 B.登记 C.交接 D.签收 [单项选择]在类风湿关节炎中,对组织起主要作用的是()
A. IgA型类风湿因子 B. IgG型类风湿因子 C. IgM型类风湿因子 D. IgG型类风湿因子和抗原IgM形成的免疫复合物 E. IgG型类风湿因子和抗原IgG形成的免疫复合物 我来回答: 提交