Founded in 1386, the oldest university
in Germany and one of the oldest three universities in European Continent (not
including the UK) is the University of Heidelberg. The university is located in
a beautiful city in southwest of Germany, Heidelberg. With a population of only
130,000. the city attracts millions of tourists from worldwide every
year. Unlike other universities in Germany, Heidelberg University is not situated in a fixed area. Instead, it is dotted among the ancient old downtown areas. Tourists often find one of its {{I}}faculties{{/I}} (系, 科) here, and another one there, just beside the bustling commercial area. The university has about 24,000 students, among the A. University of Hamburg. B. University of Bonn. C. Heidelberg University. D. Technical University Berlin. [单项选择]真菌感染尤其是深部真菌感染,及时而准确的诊断对于挽救患者的生命非常重要,血清学试验具有简便、快速、灵敏性和特异性较高的优点,为临床提供了更多的选择和参考。诊断新生隐球菌脑膜炎最有价值的试验是()
A. G试验 B. 新生隐球菌荚膜抗原乳胶凝聚试验 C. 墨汁染色 D. 甘露聚糖检测 E. 新生隐球菌抗体检测 [判断题]安装配电箱(盘)的木砖及铁件等均应预埋,挂式配电箱(盘)应采用膨胀螺栓固定。( )
[单选题]下列为良性溃疡的X线表现,错误的是: ( )
A.狭颈征 B.项圈征 C.肩胛征 D.放射状黏膜纠集 E.溃疡口部黏膜线 [判断题]事故一般分为特别重大事故、重大事故、较大事故、轻微事故。()
[填空题]Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.
Lance Armstrong is thirty-three years old and is one of the best athletes in the world. Scientists say his body operates better than the (47) person. For example, his heart can (48) more than two hundred times a minute. It pumps an extremely large amount of blood and oxygen to his legs. Edward Coyle, head of the Human Performance Laboratory at the University of Texas in Austin, tested Armstrong five times from 1992 until 1995. Each time, the cyclist rode a (49) bike for twenty-five minutes with the work rate increasing every five minutes. Scientists measured Armstrong’s (50) against the amount of oxygen he breathed. Doctor Coyle discovered an 8% increase in Armstrong’s muscle power. Doctor Coyle (51) Armstrong might have developed more of a certain kind of muscle during his seven years of training. Doctor Coyle also discovered that A [单选题]以下氯喹常用来治疗
A.天疱疮 B.单纯疱疹 C.盘状红斑狼疮 D.白斑 E.白色角化病 [单项选择]吸水饱和的砖在下列何种温度下。经多少次冻融循环,其质量损失不超过2%,裂纹长度不超过《烧结普通砖》(GB50102—1985)中规定时,为抗冻性合格().
A. -10℃,10次 B. -10℃,15次 C. -15℃,10次 D. -15℃,15次 [判断题]基建验收场内验收,关键点见证和出厂验收人员要求熟悉设备的原理、结构、工艺、试验和相关标准。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列太平天国的诸活动中,能与当时世界历史潮流同步的是( )
A.颁布《天朝田亩制度》 B.洪仁玕的《资政新篇》 C.严惩外国侵略者 D.反对腐朽没落的封建统治 [判断题]断路器与接地开关集成在一起形成一个部件,起着切断主电路和主电路的接地保护作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于射线特征的描述,正确的是:( )
A. α粒子由2个质子和电子组成 B. β-粒子为单一能谱,带一负电荷 C. β+粒子能与物质作用产生湮没辐射 D. γ粒子不带电,质量数为1 E. α粒子由于带2个正电荷,电离辐射作用大,外照射危害比γ射线大 [单项选择]在通信线路上常用的兆欧表规格中,不包括输出直流电压为()的。
A. l00V B. 250V C. 500V D. l000V 我来回答: 提交