Interesting as dolphins (海豚) are to
scientists, it is their intelligence and sociability that have caught the
popular imagination. Like whales, dolphins have a strong sense of family. A
dolphin family is like a human family, but much larger. Dolphins seem to be among the most socia A. They are very interesting. B. They are very intelligent. C. They are sociable. D. All of the above. [多项选择]根据《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》,禁止在饮用水水源保护区内______。
A. 新建排污口 B. 新建排放水污染物的建设项目 C. 扩建排放水污染物的建设项目 D. 新建对水体污染严重的建设项目 [判断题]指挥人员跟随负载指挥运行时,应随时避开人员和障碍物。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 患者女,68 岁,肺心病,下肢水肿,喘息严重并呈端坐呼吸,若患者出现二氧化碳潴留时,此时对患者的治疗哪项不宜( )
A.静脉滴注氯化钾 B.给予镇静剂 C.低流量吸氧 D.给呼吸兴奋剂 E.使用人工呼吸器 [单选题]机械操作人员的工资包括在建筑安装工程( )之中。
A.人工费 B.其他直接费 C.施工管理费 D.机械费 [单选题]清洗包括冲洗、洗涤、漂洗、 ( )。
A.终末漂洗 B.软水冲洗 C.冲洗 D.自来水冲洗 [多项选择]肿块首发于颈下1/3区的转移癌,原发病灶可能来自()。
A. 鼻腔、鼻窦 B. 甲状腺 C. 胸腔 D. 腹腔 E. 鼻咽 [判断题]链传动是依靠啮合力传动,因此瞬时传动比很准确。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]正常运营时间内不宜临时组织载客列车转线作业 。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Today, in many high schools, teaching is now a technical miracle of computer labs, digital cameras, DVD players and laptops.Teachers e-mail parents, post messages for tudents on online bulletin boards, and take attendance with a quick movement of a mouse.
Even though we are now living in the digital age, the basic and most important element of education—the human connection—has not changed.Most students still need that one-on-one,teacher-student relationship to learn and to succeed.Teenagers need instruction in English, math or history, but they also want personal advice and encouragement.Kids talk with me about their families, their weekend plans, their favorite TV shows and their relationship problems.In my Enghsh and journahsm classes, we talk about Shakespeare and persuasive essays, but we also discuss college basketball and careerchoices.Students show me pmtures of their rebuilt cars, their family vacations, and their newborn baby brothers.This personal connection is the v A. conservative B. doubtful C. positive D. subjective [单选题]通电直导体在磁场中所受力的大小,与其通过的电流( )。
A.成反比 B.成正比 C.无关系 [多选题]军人肩负捍卫( )的神圣职责和崇高使命。
A..国家主权 B..安全 C..发展利益 D..保卫人民的和平劳动 [单选题]JD5 型测长仪由光源发出光线经滤色片,聚光镜后将被反射镜光线折转( )。
A.45° B.90° C.180° D.270° [判断题]在可能发生人身伤害、设备或设施损坏和环境破坏的场合,事先采取措施,防止事故发生。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]勾锁器应加在距离连接杆(内锁闭道岔为第一连接杆)左右( )m处。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]儿童按年龄的身高,低于参考标准身高中位数减2个标准差为______。
A. 中度消瘦 B. 重度消瘦 C. 中度发育迟缓 D. 重度发育迟缓 E. 轻度发育迟缓 [单项选择]0,划拨是国有土地使用权的一种,其特殊之处在于( )。
A. 权利的保护 B. 权利的取得方式 C. 土地的使用 D. 土地的收益 [填空题]It doesn’t come as a surprise to you to realize that it makes no difference what you read or study if you can’t remember so. You just waste your valuable time. Maybe you have already discovered some clever ways to keep yourself against forgetting.
One dependable aid that does help you remember what you study is to have a specific purpose or reason for reading. You remember better what you read while you know why you’re reading. Why does a clerk in a store go away and leave you when your reply with her offer to help is" No, thank you. I’m just looking" Both you and she know that if you aren’t sure what you want, you are not likely to find it. But suppose if that you say instead, "Yes, thank you. I want a pair of sun glasses. "She says," Right this way, please. "And you and she are off—neither eager to look for exactly what you want. It’s quite the same with your studying. If you chose a book at random, "just looking" for nothing in particular, you are likely to [多选题]根据《政府采购信息公告管理办法》规定,邀请招标资格预审公告应当包括
下列内容:() A.采购人、采购代理机构的名称、地址和联系方式; B.招标项目的名称、用途、数量、简要技术要求或招标项目的性质; C.供应商资格要求及供应商的地址、联系方式 D.提交资格申请及证明材料的截止时间及资格审查日期; E.采购项目联系人姓名和电话。 [单选题]正因为中国法律史学除了单纯的理论研究,还要探究解决当代中国的法律问题,所以有必要坚持独立的中国立场。不论是单纯的理论研究,还是切近实际的应用研究,都需坚持独立思想立场才能做出有价值的研究成果。这里的独立立场,其实就是中国自身的立场,而不是站在别国的立场之上。近代以来,西方国家一些学者对于中国法律不客观的负面评价,曾经影响到中国学者对待本国法律历史的态度。直到今天,这种影响仍没有完全消除,需要加以矫正。这段文字旨在强调:()。
A.中国法律史学研究需探究解决当代中国的法律问题 B.中国法律史学研究受到西方学者不客观的负面评价 C.中国法律史学研究必须坚持中国自身独立的立场 D.中国法律史学研究曾受西方学者影响至今未消除 [多选题]LNG常压罐运行控制( )。
A.液位控制 B.循环控制 C.真空度的控制 D.标准沸点控制 E.压力控制 [单项选择]胎盘早期剥离不多见于
A. 维生素C缺乏 B. 妊高征 C. 双胎及羊水过多 D. 慢性高血压 E. 孕妇长期处于仰卧位 [名词解释]最终用户开发
A. 生产成本 B. 管理费用 C. 制造费用 D. 财务费用 [简答题]简述财务报告对外提供的基本要求。
[单选题]决定组织救援后,行车调度员向车站、车场调度员及列车司机发布开行救援列车的命令,车场调度员应在( )内组织救援列车开出。
A.5min B.10min C.15min D.20min [多选题]第五套人民币2005年版100元纸币增加和调整的公众防伪特征是( )。
A.胶印对印图案 B.磁性号码 C.凹印手感线 D.白水印 我来回答: 提交