While some international
{{U}}couriers{{/U}} are showing signs of exhaustion, EMS (Express Mail Service), the
generic name for the courier services of post offices, seems to be finding its
{{U}}stride{{/U}}. Known as Datapost in Britain, as Chronopost in France, and as
Al-Barid al-Mumtaz in Saudi Arabia, EMS is now second in the international
courier business (jointly with TNT Skypack). Last year it delivered 5.6 million
items, weighing less than 20 kilograms each, across borders. That and its annual
growth rate of around 5 percent have worried DHL, the market leader, enough for
it to counter-attack in the Courts. On October 26, a Dutch judge ruled against DHL on all three counts filed against the Dutch post office: that the three-initial name was too close to DHL’s; that the orange lines in the EMS logo were too similar to DHL’s dark red ones; and t A. advance B. pride C. position D. route [简答题]作为必需微量元素的标准是什么?人体必需的微量元素有哪几种?
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》(铁总运〔2016〕247号)规定,出站口外侧设置出站屏,显示到达车次、始发站、到达时刻、站台、<--NRC-->等信息。
[多选题]稽核业务范围主要包括那些内容( )
A.数据核查 B.通行费稽核 C.通行费补费 D.管理改进 E.违法打击 [判断题] ( )在救援工作场所,救援用工(机)具可以任意摆放。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]枳壳具有的药理作用是
A.抑制胃肠平滑肌 B.既兴奋又抑制胃肠平滑肌 C.小剂量兴奋,大剂量抑制 D.先兴奋后抑制 E.兴奋胃肠平滑肌 [多项选择]根据劳动合同法律制度的规定,下列情形中,即使用人单位与劳动者约定了服务期,劳动者仍可以主张解除劳动合同,用人单位不得要求劳动者支付违约金的有()。
A. 用人单位未及时足额支付劳动报酬的 B. 用人单位未依法为劳动者缴纳社会保险费的 C. 用人单位的规章制度违反法律、法规的规定,损害劳动者权益的 D. 用人单位在劳动合同中免除自己的法定责任、排除劳动者权利的 [多选题]按《固定容规》规定:压力容器的耐压试验包括()。
A. 液压试验 B. 气密性试验 C. 气液组合试验 D. 气压试验 [判断题]采煤机上必须装有能停止工作面刮板输送机运行的闭锁装置。()
[单选题] ONAN代表变压器的冷却方式是( )。
A.干式自冷 B.干式风冷 C.油浸自冷 我来回答: 提交