In crime novels the mysteries seen in
detective stories are retained, but the investigation focuses more on character
than on physical clues or on fooling the reader. Police officers had been
detectives in fiction ever since Dickens, but with the police-procedural novel,
beginning with Vas in Victim by Lawrence Treat, the focus became the grim
realities of police work — corruption bribes, lying, and the necessity for
informers. An emphasis on police work and on criminal psychology (understanding the motivation for a works of P. D. James, who introduced Inspector Adam Dalgliesh in Cover Her Face (1962); Ruth Rendell, with Inspector Reginald Wexford in From Doon with Death (1964); and Colin Dexter with Inspector Morse in Last Bus to Woodstock (1975). Other successful writers in this school, including Cat A. In the 1970s some writers have avoided showing violence and began to explore the criminal mind, and returned to the old style of hooking the reader by slowly revealing a series of clues. B. In the 1980s’ crime novels, the increasing numbers of male investigators were smart and capable of dealing with dangerous situations. C. MacDonald’s stories about salvage expert Travis McGee shed light on the corruptions of modern life. D. In the 1970S many American writers of detective fiction began to focus, at least in part, On their detective’ s personal life. [简答题]车站值班员取消发车进路时,应注意哪些?(应知应会-《技规》第354条)
[单选题]当国家综合性消防救援队伍的单位、人员配属某一单位时,即与该单位构成临时( ),一切行动应当服从该单位的领导和指挥。
A.上下级关系 B.隶属关系 C.上级关系 D.下级关系 [单选题]( )作业中,应确保数据输入正确,下镐位置准确,捣镐使用标准,避免镐头碰伤钢轨或轨枕。
A.清筛机 B.捣固车 C.稳定车 D.配砟车 [多选题]高新技术领域有( )。
A.A、电子信息技术 B.B、生物工程技术 C.C、海洋开发技术 D.D、航空航天技术 [单选题]业扩报装工作中,涉及多专业、多班组参与的项目,应由( )组织客户方或施工方对工作现场进行统一安全交底,明确职责。
A.客户经理 B.计量专工 C.业扩负责人 D.台区经理 [单项选择]求助者:“我困惑了很久,一直没有告诉我丈夫我想和他离婚,我不敢和他谈这事,因为我担心他受不了”。以下哪一项的释义做得最好( )
A. 咨询师1:“你想和你丈夫离婚,但是你怕他不同意,是吗?” B. 咨询师2:“你想和你丈夫离婚,但你担心他受不了,说明你和他还有感情,是吗?” C. 咨询师3:“听起来好像因为你丈夫的反应,你还没有找到告诉他想结束你们关系的方法,是吗?” D. 咨询师4:“听起来好像因为你丈夫的反应,你还没有敢告诉他想离婚的事,你要鼓足勇气,因为你迟早要说的,是吗?” [单选题]PON系统上行传输波长为1310 nm。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]International sport should create goodwill between the nations, but in the present organization of the Olympics, somehow encourages ______ patriotism.
A. obsolete B. aggressive C. harmonious D. amiable [单选题]在车流量大、人员密集,道路狭窄、视距不良,坡度大等不安全路段,应( )
A.避免停车 B.加速通过 C.停车等待 [多选题]下列属于杂散电流危害的有()。
A.腐蚀金属 B.破坏混凝土结构 C.造成人身触电 D.影响通信 [多选题]按照主送机关可将公文分为
A.上行文 B.下行文 C.平行文 D.直行文 [单项选择]饼类零件的制坯模膛通常为()。
A. 压扁台 B. 镦粗台 C. 拔长台 [判断题]柱上变压器台架工作前,应检查确认台架与杆塔联结牢固、接地体完好。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]实施供水作业时,( )附近不得站人。
A.水泵出口 B.分水器 C.水带接口 D.水泵操作台 [单项选择]创立儿科"五脏证治法则"的专著是()
A. 《颅囟经》 B. 《幼科发挥》 C. 《幼幼集成》 D. 《小儿药证直诀》 E. 《小儿卫生总微论方》 [单项选择]脊髓型颈椎病常见:
A. 腱反射亢进 B. 屈腕试验阳性 C. 密耳征阳性 D. 内旋试验阳性 E. 臂丛神经牵拉试验阳性 我来回答: 提交