For one brief moment, after years of
fear and loathing, America seemed ready to make peace with the SAT. When the
University of California several years ago threatened to treat the test like a
bad batch of cafeteria food and tell applicants not to buy it, the College Board
junked the bewildering analogy questions (Warthogs are to pigs as politicians
are to what ), created a writing section (including producing an essay), added
tougher math questions and more reading analysis—and had everybody talking about
the new-and-improved SAT. Then the first students to take SAT: The Sequel were seen stumbling out of the testing centers as if they had just run a marathon, and all the happy talks ended. With the three hours and 45 minutes stretching to five hours with breaks and instructions, it got worse. Nobody i A. The Shaky Credibility. B. Repeated Promises of Reform. C. Can the SAT Be Made Better D. Can the ACT Take Down the SAT [多选题]安全带的使用应( ),安全带各部件不得任意拆卸。
A.低挂高用 B.高挂低用 C.不宜过长 D.注意防止松动 [判断题]吊钩由于长期使用产生剥裂,必须对其焊接修补后方可继续使用。
[填空题]2.49. 第49题有一条L=726m长的电缆,其中首段L1=450m为3*50mm铜芯电缆,后一段为L2=276m为3*70mm铝芯电缆,发生单相接地故障,故障点对地电阻1kΩ左右,用QF1A型电缆故障仪测试,正接法测得RX=0.46。求故障点位置LX为( )米。(铝:电阻率0.031Ω·mm2/m,铜:电阻率0.0184Ω·mm2/m)。(结果保留三位小数)
[判断题]高压水银灯的电压比较高,所以称为高压水银灯。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()是我国民事基本法律,调整平等主体之间的人身关系和财产关系。
A.《中华人民共和国民法通则》 B.《中华人民共和国物权法》 C.《中华人民共和国合同法》 D.《中华人民共和国担保法》 [单选题]厂公司直属部门基层员工在厂公司直属部门之间调动,由( )审核,分管人力资源领导审批。
A. 部门负责人 B. 厂公司人力资源部 C. 总经理 D. 股份公司 [填空题]2525.室内给水系统通常由引入管、水表节点、(_)、立管、(_)、支管、卫生器具和(_)等组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]当列车主风缸压力低于 6bar 时,列车将施加紧急制动,须主风缸压力打风至 7bar
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列命令中,可以用来对索引快速定位的是( )。
A. condition 1 B. condition 2 C. condition 3 D. condition 1 我来回答: 提交