Cruise Ship Holidays{{/B}} Passengers on cruise ship holidays, as they are {{U}} (0) {{/U}} on TV programs and films, usually appear to be both rich and elderly. Such people do not, however, accurately represent the 6.8 million {{U}} (19) {{/U}} who took this kind of holiday last year. Over the last few years the world cruise industry has concentrated on {{U}} (20) {{/U}} to younger, less wealthy people, giving them a/an {{U}} (21) {{/U}} more like a floating disco than the traditional quiet holiday on a luxury ship. Even families with young children are no longer so A. goods B. items C. provisions D. supplies [判断题]因故出现低于最小拉速浇铸时,其浇铸拉速低于0.7m/min(漏钢预报报警、300mm厚高碳钢除外)的持续时间不得超过15分钟(含Nb、V、Ti、B元素的低碳合金钢系列、管线钢和高强度结构钢,不得超过8分钟),否则必须停浇
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]英国法是判例法,但并不是任何法院的判决都能形成先例的,即具有先例约束力,具有先例约束力的法院的判决是()。
A. 行政法院的判决 B. 低级法院的判决 C. 高级法院的判决 [单项选择]设备管道试压时受压设备管道压力下降应()。
A. 继续提压 B. 继续试压 C. 停止试压再提压 D. 停止试压卸压 [判断题] 设备对地电压在250V以上者叫高压。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]外伤病员,男性,右侧4-6肋骨骨折,呼吸极度困难、紫绀,出冷汗 检查( )血压65/40,右胸廓饱满,右侧呼吸音消失,叩诊鼓音,颈胸部广泛皮下气肿,处理应首选( )
A.补液输血 B.胸腔穿刺排气 C.立即开胸手术 D.气管插管辅助呼吸 [单选题]中年人在皮肤养护时,应注意对()皮肤的护理。
A.眼部、面部 B.眼部、颈部 C.颈部、面部 D.面部、唇部 [单项选择]Mrs. Read is our English teacher. She is from England. She is not young. She is 48. She can speak English very well. There are twenty girls and twenty-four boys in her class. Jim is from England, too. Bill is from Australia. The twins are from America. But the other students are Chinese. Mrs. Read likes her students very much. She works very hard. She often helps them to study English in her class. Site is a good teacher and she is the students’ good friend, too.
There are ______ Chinese students in her class. A. 40 B. 42 C. 44 [判断题] 抄表示数,是指电能表计度器的读数。也称电能表读数、电能表表码。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]我国价格统计体系的核心内容是居民消费价格指数、商品零售价格指数、农业生产资料价格指数、工业品价格指数、固定资产投资价格指数和房地产价格指数等6大价格指数。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交