Bored while waiting at the bus stop,
Kate sticks a cigarette in her mouth just as she notices a billboard across the
road. The small print reads, "Warning: Smoking causes lung cancer, heart
disease, emphysema(肺气肿)and may complicate pregnancy." Kate stops for a moment.
"How many have I had already today" she asks herself. But then she lights up. "I don’t smoke that much," she reasons, to quiet her conscience. "And anyway, I exercise and eat pretty well." Every day we wrestle with opposing viewpoints that battle it out in our minds—a tension known as cognitive dissonance. Social psychologist Leon Festinger developed the concept in 1957, from the assumption that human beings fundamentally strive for harmony in their thinking. In the face of contradictory paths, our minds attempt to restore internal peace. We strive for the reco A. Ⅰ B. Ⅱ C. Ⅱ&Ⅲ D. Ⅱ, Ⅲ&Ⅳ [单选题] BC016 注水井正常注水时,应全部打开的阀门是:注水上流阀门、( )阀门和注水总阀门。
A.来水 B.套管 D.油管放空 [单项选择]量是现象、物体或物质可()区别和()确定的一种属性。
A. 定性 定量 B. 定量 定性 C. 量化 定性 D. 具体 实际 [多项选择]病历摘要:患者男性,59岁,因非劳力性心前区钝痛,向左臂放射急诊入院。患者近2年中类似症状间断发作,发作时伴大汗,轻度恶心,持续20分钟左右。通常由劳累诱发,舌下含服硝酸甘油可缓解。自上月以来,发作较为频繁,有时出现在休息时,最近48小时在休息或轻微体力活动时有几次胸痛发作。体检:BP110/60mmHgHR80次/分,律齐,余未见异常。应给患者下列哪些健康指导?()
A. 低热量、低脂、低胆固醇、低盐饮食 B. 积极参加体育锻炼 C. 避免暴饮暴食 D. 戒烟 E. 硝酸甘油棕色瓶存放随身携带 F. 绝对卧床 G. 减轻精神压力 H. 定期复查 [名词解释]传统自由主义
[单项选择]设有定义:long x= -123456L;,则以下能够正确输出变量x值的语句是( )。
A. printf("x=%d/n",x); B. printf("x=%1d/n",x); C. printf("x=%8dL/n",x); D. printf("x=%LD/n",x); [单项选择]关节内骨折,未准确复位,关节面不平整,畸形愈合可致()
A. 脂肪栓塞 B. 缺血性骨坏死 C. 缺血性肌挛缩 D. 创伤性关节炎 E. 骨化性肌炎(损伤性骨化) [单选题]人工 广播严格按照标准用语播放,使用普通话,语调平稳圆润、音量适中、读音准确、声音清亮;播放________为宜,播放时应保持室内安静。
A.两遍 B.三遍 C.四遍 D.一遍 [单选题]新斯的明的临床用途除外
A.重症肌无力 B.阵发性室上性心动过速 C.手术后肠麻痹 D.解救阿托品中毒 E.解救肌松药琥珀胆碱中毒 [单选题] 试验应使用规范的短路线,加电压前应检查试验接线,确认表计倍率、量程、调压器零位及仪表的初始状态均正确无误后,通知( )离开被试设备,并取得试验负责人许可,方可加压。
A.所有人员 B.试验人员 C.无关人员 D.工作人员. [判断题]乙炔气瓶可以随意放置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某工程合同价的确定方式为:发包方不需对工程量做出任何规定,承包方在投标时只需按发包方给出的分部分项工程项目及工程范围做出报价,而工程量则按实际完成的数量结算。这种合同属于()。
A. 纯单价合同 B. 可调工程量单价合同 C. 不可调值单价合同 D. 可调值总价合同 [多选题]主动上报任务是指终端按照预设的(____)的任务执行方案周期性地定时把数据直接发送给主站。
A.周期性 B.规律性 C.实时数据 D.历史数据 [单项选择]麻疹患儿的最主要死因是()
A. 脑炎 B. 心肌炎 C. 喉炎 D. 急性硬化性全脑炎 E. 支气管肺炎 [判断题]灭火必须同时破坏燃烧的充分必要条件。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]列控车载设备具备的功能描述错误的是( )。
A.列车准确定位 B.列车模糊定位 C.设备启动后自检 D.级间切换功能 [填空题] 架空线的振动形成的原因是( )。
A. 小气道疾病时, RV 升高, FRC 可保持正常。 B. FEV1.0 和 FEV1.0% 主要用于判断小气道的阻塞性病变。 C. Pa-ETCO 2 能反映肺泡死腔量的大小。 D. 氧合指数正常 >300mmHg 。 E. FDC 是小气道疾患的最敏感指标之一。 [单项选择]下列关于肾小管功能的叙述,哪一项正确
A. 近端肾小管重吸收90%碳酸氢盐,70%水和氯化钠 B. 髓袢主要重吸收葡萄糖和氨基酸 C. 肾小管只具有重吸收功能,未发现具有分泌功能 D. 远曲小管通过逆流交换机制浓缩稀释尿液 [单选题]换热器的水侧推荐流速为0.5~3m/s,其阻力为( )kPa。
A.50~120 B.50~100 C.60~120 D.60~150 [判断题]可燃液体的燃烧实质是可燃液体蒸汽的燃烧。( )[中]
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者男,44岁。反复中上腹疼痛3年余,疼痛呈烧灼感,在餐后3~4h出现,进食后缓解,护士提供的饮食指导,不正确的是()
A. 疼痛时进食碱性食物 B. 戒酒 C. 避免暴饮暴食 D. 少量多餐 E. 多吃豆浆、牛奶等高蛋白食物 [填空题]One theory about the universe says that it has no boundary, no edge.
This theory was proposed by Stephen Hawking and Jim Hartle. It says (81)
that the universe has a finite area, but no one travelling through the
universe would ever come to a point that the universe stops. This (82)
would be similar to journey over the surface of Earth. We can travel (83)
around the world without reaching boundaries nor edges, yet the area of (84)
the planet is finite. This no boundary theory predicts what the universe (85)
does have a beginning and an end, but it differs off the traditional (86)
Big Bang theory in some ways. The traditional Big Bang theory
assuming that the beginning of the universe was a singularity, a point (87)
of infinite density and infinitesimal volume to where space and time (88)
became distorted. Instead, Hawking and Hatle predict
that the beginning of the univ
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