You don’t have to be 18: Going
to college as an adult{{/B}} Every so often, especially when I’m feeling down, I take out my old college notes, textbooks and diplomas, and take a little stroll down memory lane. I remember the fun I had in college, the people I met, the professors who taught me and the experiences that changed my life. And I’m glad I made the sacrifices. After graduating high school, I thought college wasn’t for me. I served a four-year stint in the U.S. Marine Corps, and then took a job with the postal service. In my na vet, I thought that moving up within the agency would be fairly easy. I was bright, knowledgeable, eager to learn new things and willing to put in the time needed to develop myself. But I ran into a brick wall. It seemed there was an inside track, and I was definitely not o [简答题]结合中国现实,读读你对国家与社会的关系的看法
A. 相关回归分析预测法 B. 定性预测法 C. 时间序列预测法 D. 定量预测法 [单选题] 2021 年 8 月,国务院国资委公布了国有重点企业管理标杆创建行动标杆企业、标杆项
156 目和标杆模式名单,国家电网有限公司盈利模式被评为“标杆模式”。( ) A. 正确 B. 错误 [单选题](47485)线路允许速度160km/h≥vmax>120km/h正线,60 kg/m钢轨头部侧面磨耗量超过( )mm时为轻伤钢轨。(1.0分)
A.8 B.10 C.12 D.14 [填空题] ( )年5月,中央提出取消工农革命军的名义,定名为红军。
A. 鱼 B. 煎蛋 C. 果酱 D. 奶 [单项选择]小儿断奶时间最迟不超过( )。
A. 10个月 B. 12个月 C. 16个月 D. 18个月 E. 20个月 [判断题]碘钨灯的灯架在安装时必须保持水平位置。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者女,26岁。系统性红斑狼疮患者,用药治疗过程中出现胃溃疡发作,考虑与哪种药物的不良反应有关
A.环磷酰胺 B.羟氯喹 C.泼尼松 D.雷公藤总苷 E.免疫球蛋白 [多项选择]根据水运交通事故分级标准,某2000总吨的轮船发生水运交通事故,下列哪些符合大事故的情形()。
A. 死亡1人 B. 人员有重伤 C. 船舶无修复价值 D. 直接经济损失50万元 [判断题]运输危险化学品的容器不能超过国家规定的盛装量。
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