{{B}}The White House{{/B}} We got up early this morning and{{U}} (1) {{/U}}a long walk after breakfast. We walked through the business section of the city. I told you yesterday that the city was larger{{U}} (2) {{/U}}I thought it would be.{{U}} (3) {{/U}}the business section is smaller than I thought it would be. I suppose that’s{{U}} (4) {{/U}}Washington is a special kind of city.{{U}} (5) {{/U}}the people in Washington work for the government. About 9:30 we went to the White House. It’s{{U}} (6) {{/U}}to the public from 10 till 12, and there was a long line of people waiting to get in. We didn’t have to wait very long, because the line moved{{U}} (7) {{/U}}quickly. The White House is really white. It is painted every y A. cloth B. clothes C. clothing D. cloths [填空题]空气制动阀主要由手把、转轴、定位凸轮、作用凸轮、作用柱塞、( )、定位柱塞、排风阀、联锁开关组以及阀体、凸轮盒、管座等组成。
A. 阻尼电阻 B. 起制动电阻 C. 过渡电阻 D. 制动终止电阻 [单选题]Altium Designer为PCB编辑器提供的设计规则共分为( )类。
A.8 B.10 C.12 D.6 [单选题]排出管与室外排水管道的连接处应该设置( )。
A.闸阀 B.蝶阀 C.逆止阀 D.检查井 [单选题] 二氧化碳气体保护焊主要危险因素有(A)火灾和灼烫等。
A.电击 B.淹溺 C.机器伤害 D.人为伤害 [单项选择]
男性,46岁,烦渴、多饮、多尿、消瘦4年,既往6年前因尿常规检查发现镜下血尿,病理诊断为慢性肾小球肾炎,未特殊治疗。无糖尿病家族史,BMI24.6mmol/L。查空腹血糖6.7mmol/L,HbAlc6.6%,肝、肾功能正常。尿常规检查:红细胞20/HP,尿糖>55mmol/L 为了明确尿糖高的诊断,患者应该首先进行何种检查( )A. 重复空腹血糖检测 B. 尿微量清蛋白测定 C. 重复糖化血红蛋白检测 D. OGTT E. 尿渗透压测定 [单选题] 轻型钢结构屋盖系统吊装应按( )的顺序进行。
A. 屋架→屋架间水平支撑→屋架垂直支撑→檩条、檩条拉条→轻型屋面板 B. 屋架→屋架垂直支撑→檩条、檩条拉条→屋架间水平支撑→轻型屋面板 C. 屋架→屋架间水平支撑→檩条、檩条拉条→屋架垂直支撑→轻型屋面板 D. 屋架→檩条、檩条拉条→屋架垂直支撑→屋架间水平支撑→轻型屋面板 [填空题]等离子弧焊接时,当等离子气流量一定条件下,增加焊接速度,就要相应提高( );
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Crude oil prices struck a record high of $100.05 a barrel in New York yesterday due to political tensions in the Middle East, surging demand from Asia, and buying interest from investment funds. The weakening US currency is also to (144) because it makes
oil cheaper for buyers using stronger currencies. With rising oil prices (145) rising food prices. According to The Christian Science Monitor, across the world, basic foods now cost 21 percent more at the wholesale level than in 2005, with key commodities such as grains and vegetable oils up more than 30 percent. For the poor, that means the quality and quantity of nutrition are at risk and that their lives are threatened. Analysts predict that oil prices will keep soaring in the foreseeable future. "Sadly, hardly (146) can be done to change the situation," said an economist from Harvard, "unless we can all learn to lead a frugal life./ A. scold B. blame C. praise D. search [单选题] 编制旅客、货物列车方案和编制机车周转图时使用的是( )。
A.二分格运行图 B.五分格运行图 C.十分格运行图 D.小时格运行图 [单项选择]常用的疼痛评估方法中,“数字范围为0~10。0代表‘无痛’,10代表‘最痛’,患者选择一个数字来代表他自觉感受的痛”属于()
A. 目测类比测痛法 B. 数字疼痛评分法 C. 口述分级评分法 D. 人体表面积评分法 E. 多因素疼痛调查评分法 [多项选择]各种办公资源调配管理软件对日常办公用品的管理一般包括______等模块
A. 登记 B. 领用 C. 盘存 D. 人员管理 [判断题][判断题] 支柱的倾斜率要求:锚柱顶部向拉线侧倾斜不应大于2%。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]天馈线测试仪注意事项: 1.不能超出最大输入功率( )。2.不能超出测量范围。
A.11dBm B.15dBm C.20dBm D.22dBm [多选题]在签订合同前,要对分包队伍资质进行核查,其中施工总承包资质队伍的资质证书中可能包含的施工资质有( )
A.市政总承包三级 B.三级混凝土作业分包不分等级 C.木工作业分包一级 D.地基与基础工程专业承包 [单项选择]分馏系统()过程中,是设备暴露问题最多的时候,应加强检查,并在规定温度下进行恒温热紧。
A. 收油 B. 升温 C. 脱水 D. 升压 我来回答: 提交