Modern Language College
Modern Language College was opened in 1983 and is now the largest private languages school in the country. It is the most active private language school and runs a wide variety of courses.
The college has branches in many provincial capitals. All schools are air-conditioned, and the classrooms are clean and bright. Each room has a whiteboard, desks and chairs and a cassette recorder.
We offer courses for both adults and children. We focus on conversation courses, although we also offer more specialized courses.
We provide our students with all useful materials. There are courses in major software package, popular programming languages, and other areas such as web page design and use of the Internet.
We have a large team of administrative staff supporting our operations. These include: student counselors, who are usually the first point of contact between a student and the school; branch managers, who oversee
you will hear a monologue. While you listen, fill out the blank with a phrase or sentence you've just heard. Some of the information has been given to you in the text. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the text below. He is big. He always has been, over six feet, with what slump of the shoulders and tuck in the neck big men in this country often affect, (1) to apologize for being above the democratic norm (2).(In high school and at college he played varsity basketball. In high school he was senior class president.) And he looks healthy enough, blue-eyed behind his beard, like a trapper or (3),acquainted with silences. He also grins a lot. Odd, then, to have noticed earlier—at the house, when he took off his shabby coat to play Ping-Pong—that the white arms were very thin. The coat may have been a comment. This,(4), is southern California, where every man is an artist, an advertiser of himself;(5)and every object potted; where even
An Awful Afternoon{{/B}} Sometimes I feel that being the mother of three small children is like running a large circus(马戏团). One afternoon last week, my three sons were playing peacefully in the back yard, throwing the ball from one to the other. I jumped at the chance to talk to one of my friends on the phone, but before I got to the phone, I could tell that the boys had begun to quarrel with each other over something. I rushed out to make peace, but before I got there, Charles had begun to fight over this. Even David, the oldest boy, who won’t usually fight with anybody over anything, was involved. First, I made them stop fighting, and then I examined Mark’s eye. I decided that it wasn’t going to develop into a black eye, but I felt that they sho [单选题]叠加原理可用于线性电路中(____)的计算。
A.电流、电压 B.电流、功率 C.电压、功率 D.电流、电压、功率 [单选题]准确称取CuSO4.5H2O(铜的摩尔质量为63.546,CuSO4.5H2O的摩尔质量为249.69) 0.3929g,溶于水中,加几滴H2SO4,转入100mL容量瓶中,用水稀释到刻度,摇匀。则的摩尔质量为249.69) 0.3929g,溶于水中,加几滴H2SO4,转入100mL容量瓶中,用水稀释到刻度,摇匀。则此溶液浓度为().
A.A.1mg/mL的CuSO4.5H2O B.B.1mg/mL的Cu2+ C.C.0.1mg/mL的Cu2+ D.D.0.1mg/mLCuSO4.5H2O [多选题]关于垄断竞争市场特征和生产者行为的说法,正确的是()。
A.个别企业的需求曲线是一条向右下方倾斜的曲线 B.垄断竞争市场的产量一般低于完全竞争市场的产量 C.企业能在一定程度上控制价格 D.行业的需求曲线和个别企业的需求曲线是相同的 E.个别企业的需求曲线是一条平行于横轴的水平线 [单选题]下列不属于变电所失电应急处置操作的一项是( )。
A.运行人员根据现场信号和监控记录,判明是外线路停电还是内部原因停电 B.告知周边居民撤离 C.如外线路停电,应立即电话询问上级电业调度停电的原因及送电的时间 D.如内部原因停电,应立即切断站内负荷侧所有开关 [多选题]《广深港高速铁路跨境旅客运输组织规则》(铁客 【2021】91号)规定,儿童票的()应与同行成年人所持车票相同,其到站不得远于成年人车票的到站。
A.乘车日期 B.车次 C.席别 D.卧别 [单选题]某项目从现在开始投资,2年内没有回报,从第3年开始每年获利额为4,获利年限为5年,则该项目利润的现值为()。①A*(P/
A.①③ B.①④ C.②③ D.②④ [单选题]32098】负荷功率因数低造成的影响是()。 ( )
A.线路电压损失增大 B. 有功损耗增大 C.发电设备未能充分发挥作用 D.A、B、C三者都存在 [判断题]高速铁路接触网各种受力工具和绝缘工具应有合格证并定期进行试验,做好记录,可以使用试验不合格或超过试验周期的工具。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 绿色信号表示的意义是()。
A.注意或减低速度 B.停车 C.按规定速度运行 D.限速运行 [不定项选择题]A.腰部隐隐作痛
A.腰部酸软而痛 B.腰部刺痛,痛连下肢 C.腰部突然剧痛,向少腹部放射 D.腰部冷痛沉重,阴雨天加重 E.寒湿腰痛的特点为( ) [判断题]在检测中,当遇到不能准确判断的回波即对检测结果难于判定,或对焊接接头质量有怀疑时,应辅以其他探伤方法检侧,再作出综合判断。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]冰域救援中,对救援人员应采取( )措施。
A. 体温检测 B. 热水冲洗 C. 就地休息 D. 跟进防寒保暖 [单选题]安全帽的使用期,从产品制造完成之日起计算:塑料帽、纸胶帽不超过____。
A.一年 B.一年半 C.两年 D.两年半 我来回答: 提交