The fitness movement that began in the
late 1960s and early 1970s centered around aerobic exercise. Millions of
individuals became (1) in a variety of aerobic activities,
and (2) thousands of health spas (3)
around the country to capitalize on this (4) interest in
fitness, particularly aerobic dancing for females. A number of fitness spas
existed (5) to this aerobic fitness movement, even a
national chain with spas in most major cities. However, their (6)
was not on aerobics, (7) on weight-training
programs designed to develop muscular mass, (8) , and
endurance in their primarily male (9) . These fitness spas
did not seem to benefit (10) from the aerobic fitness
movement to better health, since medical opinion suggested that weight-training
programs (11) few, if A. recommends B. reassures C. speculates D. mediates [单选题]哪项不能体现医疗机构从业人员“优质服务、医患和谐”的行为规范( )
A.自觉遵守国家法律法规,遵守医疗卫生行业规章和纪律 B.加强与患者的交流与沟通 C.积极带头控烟,自觉维护行业形象 D.言语文明,举止端庄 [单项选择]与股骨下端相关节的是()
A. 髌骨和腓骨 B. 胫骨粗隆和髌骨 C. 胫骨上端和髌骨 D. 腓骨和胫骨上端 E. 腓骨和髌骨 [单项选择]焊接时,流经焊接回路的电流称为()。
A. 稳弧电流 B. 短路电流 C. 脉冲电流 D. 焊接电流 [单选题]《煤矿行业场所职业病危害防治规定》规定,每年进行一次作业场所职业病危害因素检测,每( )年进行一次职业病危害现状评价。
A.A2 B.3 C.5 [判断题]不得使用挖掘机铲斗吊运物料。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]票务部票务室定期回收的车票包括( )。
A.车站回收箱中的车票 B.预制单程票 C.车站设备废票 D.循环使用过程中单程票坏票 [单选题]加强对生产现场监督检查,严格查处( )的"三违"行为
A. 违章指挥、违章操作、违反劳动纪律 B. 违规作业、违章指挥、违反劳动纪律 C. 违规作业、违章指挥、违反操作规程 D. 违章指挥、违章生产、违规作业 我来回答: 提交