The United States is a confederation of states.Each
state has the{{U}} (26) {{/U}} to make laws with regard to the state.{{U}}
(27) {{/U}} , based on public opinion,states can{{U}} (28)
{{/U}} policies regarding education, and they may{{U}} (29)
{{/U}} a state income tax; they also determine the speed{{U}} (30)
{{/U}} , housing codes and the drinking age. In most parts of the United States, you{{U}} (31) {{/U}} be 21 years old to buy alcohol in a liquor store, bar{{U}} (32) {{/U}} restaurant.In some states you may buy beer in a grocery store.If a store sells alcohol to a minor,the{{U}} (33) {{/U}} of the store is usually{{U}} (34) {{/U}} a large sum of money. {{U}} ( A. fined B. charged C. punished D. suffered [判断题]辅警不得以任何方式泄露国家秘密和警务工作秘密。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]SWIFT系统的所有终端和主机必须专用,严禁与其他无关系统共用。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]煤矿“一通三防”内容是指什么?
[单选题](87364)TPDS系统中,踏面损伤冲击当量( )时,为一级报警。(1.0分)
A.小于等于18 B.19和20 C.21和22 D.大于等于23 [多选题] 测量仪表根据不同的需要,有以下( )功能[1.0分]
A. 记录 B. 累计 C. 报警 D. 调节 E. 保持 [判断题]对于道岔不密贴,如是在各牵引点尖轨与基本轨或心轨与翼轨不密贴,则应由电务部门调整。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在债券面值和票面利率一定的情况下,市场利率越高,则债券的发行价格越低。( )
A. 终端管理 B. 企业效益 C. 市场竞争 D. 国家政策 [单项选择]男,30岁,酗酒8年余,日消费北京二锅头酒约500ml。近半年来经常出现恶心、呕吐、食欲缺乏。肝穿刺显示肝细胞广泛脂肪变性,肝细胞灶状坏死。肝细胞内可见大小不等的红染的半透明小体。这些透明小体的成分为
A. 前角蛋白 B. 免疫球蛋白 C. HBsAg D. 血浆蛋白 E. 糖原颗粒 [填空题]According to a new study, a major ingredient to taking the pain out of a stressful day at work is a supportive partner at home. It may not seem like a (26) conclusion but the study is the first to quantify the effects that a (27) ear can have at home and at work.
They found that highly stressed employees had a 25 percent higher level of concentration levels if they had a (28) home life. They were also 33 percent more likely to have positive relationships with colleagues, and a 20 percent higher level of job satisfaction. Previous studies have linked work-related stress to (29) mental and physical illnesses, such as depression and obesity. But this study shows how stress can be a vicious circle— (30) affecting the way employees perform at work, which can (31) even more workplace stress. One expert said the mental and physical wellbeing of employees were (32) if they came to work still stress [判断题]( )在行政执法沟通的过程
中,非语言沟通起着其他沟通方式所 不能代替的作用。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]安全工器具分为( )、( )、( )三大类。
A.绝缘安全工器具 B.一般防护安全工器具 C.重要防护安全工器具 D.安全围栏(网)和标示牌 [单项选择]Why did southerners want to keep slavery
A. They could employ large numbers of slaves in cotton plantations. B. They could only produce cotton. C. The black people could go to the north to make money. D. They could unite the southern states. [判断题]皮革或缝制的工作手套也可以在处理危化品时使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]乳房健美的标准中不包括()。
A. 乳房硕大 B. 形状丰满 C. 乳房挺拔 D. 柔软有弹性 [单选题]中国古代最长的连梁式石板平桥是( )。
A.A.赵州桥 B.B.卢沟桥 C.C.洛阳桥 D.D.安平桥 [判断题]发现有人触电,首先采取切断电源或使伤者离开电源等措施。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]CCTV系统出现多个摄像机离线故障时,应第一时间考虑对这些摄像机进行更换。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]负极合浆,高速分散速度越高,对浆料使用性能越好()。
[多选题]CRH5系列动车组给出关门信号,车门有关闭动作,但是反复开关, 车门无法完全关闭或打开时,机械师手动锁闭车门后,将( )开关打到“1”位,然后使用三角/四角钥匙隔离此故障车门,将 ( )主开关拔至“1”位,确认该门的隔离状态,维持运行。
A.S21 B.S22 C.S4 D.S5 [填空题]
[单选题]接入网管理方面则经“ ”与电信管理网(TMN)相连。
A.UNI B.SNI C.Q3 D.Z接口 我来回答: 提交