The new prestige of the British
graduates is the most spectacular because in the past Britain has been much
(1) interested in universities and degrees than other
advanced countries—or even some backward (2) In 1901 Ramsay
Muir observed that Britain had (3) universities per head
than any other civilized country in Europe except Turkey. A UNESCO survey in
1967 (4) Britain was still close to the bottom in Europe, in
(5) of the proportion of the age-group from twenty to
twenty-four who were enrolled in (6) education. Most
continental countries in the last decade have expanded (7)
higher education faster than Britain. University statistics are notoriously
difficult to compare, because of the different implications of the word
"student"; in most continental countries anyone who (8 A. days B. weeks C. months D. years [判断题]未在协议中明确安全生产责任的,由生产经营单位承担安全生产责任。
[单选题]与例行工作相比,项目具有更明显的特点。其中 ( ) 是指每一个项目都有一个明确的开始时间和结束时间。
A.临时性 B.暗示xing C.独特性 D.渐进明细 [判断题]钢筋混凝土电杆排杆,用棍、杠撬拨杆段时,应防止其滑脱伤人。应用铁撬棍插入预埋孔转动杆段。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]农田养峰的食物连加环属于()。
A. 生产环 B. 减耗环 C. 增益环 D. 复合环 [单选题]中重污区变电站悬垂串宜采用( )绝缘子。
A.复合 B.硅橡胶 C.瓷质 D.玻璃 [单选题]患儿,男,10岁。患痄腮腮部肿胀渐消退,右侧睾丸肿胀疼痛,舌红苔黄,脉数。治疗应首选
A.银翘散 B.小柴胡汤 C.知柏地黄丸 D.龙胆泻肝汤 E.普济消毒饮 [单选题]职业道德是( )的重要组成部分。
A.社会主义企业建设 B.社会主义道德体系 C.社会主义法律法规 D.社会主义伦理建设 [多选题]铁路互联网售票支付时应使用( )、中国银联的网上银行所支持的注册卡号(账号、用户名或注册手机号码),通过网上银行进行铁路客票的电子支付。
A.中国工商银行 B.中国农业银行 C.中国银行 D.招商银行 [判断题]综合自动化系统与传统变电站二次系统相比,数据采集更精确、传递更方便、处理更灵活、运行维护更可靠、扩展更容易。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述实物金投资理财的优点。
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